Rate my mixes / free pro tools sessions for practicing metal mixing


Feb 24, 2011
I have three songs I put out for my metal project "Beyond the End." I specifically state that its a metal project BECAUSE theres only three members. Its impossible for us to play live. Secondly, we do program the drums. I actually play drums, but I suck at recording drums and I'm no where near as good as a drummer as I'd like to be. In the future I would like to be recording drums, but I can't let it keep me from making metal. Either way, I dont have a fancy drum VI, and without the multi-sampled sounds, it sounds fake with fills and stuff, so I dont have any. Just a bass drum, a snare, and a few cymbals. I try to make up by adding other elements like organs, violins and choirs. The guitars are DI also. First Ill post my final versions of my songs so you guys can rate them and give me tips for future productions. Then I'll post the links to all the sessions in case there is some random guy out there who needs some metal-ish material to mix for practice or w/e. I promise that whatever you do with the material, if you choose to dload, will stay with you. As I said, I already have my final versions posted on youtube, its not as though I'm looking for free mixes. Please feel free to remix, add other elements, turn it into dubstep electro music...whatever you like. But if you come up with something awesome at least give me a link lol.

My Mixes:

I Am Extinction:



A Nation Burning:


The Pro Tools Sessions:

I Am Extinction:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5129928/Beyond the End/Pro Tools Sessions/Pro Tools I Am Extinction.rar


http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5129928/Beyond the End/Pro Tools Sessions/Pro Tools Conversion.zip

A Nation Burning:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5129928/Beyond the End/Pro Tools Sessions/Pro Tools A Nation Burning.zip

The lyrics are all in the description bar on the actual youtube page or in the video itself. These are also posted in chronological order, the last being my most recent production.
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Thanks Mate! This is bloody great! Excellent work! Having the Pro Tools sessions makes it so much easier. Please leave the links up for a while so we have a chance to get them (I’ve only downloaded the first one so far). The MIDI for the drums would be would be appreciated for mix practice.
Thanks Mate! This is bloody great! Excellent work! Having the Pro Tools sessions makes it so much easier. Please leave the links up for a while so we have a chance to get them (I’ve only downloaded the first one so far). The MIDI for the drums would be would be appreciated for mix practice.

I BELIEVE that the midi is saved in the sessions, just hidden...go into the track list on the upper left and see if its set to "hide" the midi tracks...
You may want to upload these to mediafire / megaupload / rapidshare and put those links up instead so you can keep them there for us to download later. You're going to hit your Dropbox limit FAST if you offer multiple project files for download. :lol:
I have the standard dropbox account, but I recommended 8 people to use it and gained 2 extra gigs..and continually get people to join to get free space lol...I will change them if I have to....

Anyone having any fun with them?

BTW..If you guys enjoy our music project outside of the mixing, you know..just listening lol....and want to catch our future tracks...you should like our fb page: www.facebook.com/beyondtheendmetal (*Plugs project*). I will put up any songs that we put out in the future for mixing if you guys enjoy these enough and remind me lol
New song Vindication is up, if anyone is interested I'll make the PT session dloadable. I always ask first cause it takes me quite a while to set up the song for dload and if no one wants it then I just wont do it. There is a guest singer on this track from Canada (Im from the US) so he self-tracked. We had no control over the audio quality...its pretty distorted. I couldn't really complain, he had no experience with recording and he was extremely willing to record for us.

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All the previous ones are pt only :(

I dont have a ton of time, but if you'd like I can make one of the songs a .wav for you and do more later. The only reason I usually just do the pt sessions is because they can see what all plugins I used and mixing (I dont reset my sessions cause I dont care if people see my mixing). So you'd just be getting the raw waves without eq and compression, effects, etc.
Yea just wanted to mix these for practice thats all. It seems like I'm the only person in the whole forum who doesnt use Pro Tools lol. Maybe I should switch over.
If you're comfortable with reaper then stick with it man, its not the tools necessarily, but the person using them. I love pro tools, but its because I'm used to pro tools. But yeah, Ill upload one of the older songs .wav only zipped or .rar. Then Ill upload more .wav files for the other songs later. I'd subscribe to this thread so you'd get a notification when I post them up, cause it might not be til tomorrow.
ALSO! We started working on our 5th song and are looking for an awesome vocal feature. So if any of you guys can do some amazing low vox (or know someone who can) and knows how to track semi-properly, shoot me a message. BTE is all about online collaborations.
Ill have the pt version up like usual, but I need to know if you guys want the DI guitars, the amp emulated guitars, or both. I'm probably gonna start off with uploading the .wav of Conversion.