Rate my mixes / free pro tools sessions for practicing metal mixing

Alright Conversion .Wav should be up tonight, but everything is gonna be raw, no eq, no verbs, cept for the DI Tracks, Ill have both di and amped tracks. This is gonna be huge...can everyone unarchive .rar files? Or should I just zip?
Sweet bro. I'm sure most people have Winrar or 7zip. If not it only takes a minute to download. Excited to work on this while I'm waiting on my studio to finish construction.
Heres a link to the .rar

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5129928/Beyond the End/WAVS/Conversion WAV.rar

Its not gonna be done uploading for a bit, but the link will still be the same.

The file was over a gig before .rar compession, but it now betwen 300-400 megs.

A few notes about the session. I did a lot of renaming of the files to get them to be easier to understand, but there is still a lot of redundancy that I couldn't avoid esp. in the vocals. Just listen and kind of figure out what I did. I did tons of layering of the vocals and panning. Also, I split the guitars up into DI and AMPED. You'll end up noticing that there are two extra tracks that are AMPED. They should be labeled "guitar effects amped" and "guitar effects amped 2." There will not be any DIed version of these because I ended up rendering these with the amp emulator on it and forgot to save the original DI for the effects and they got lost in the regions bin with thousands of other poorly named track that PT makes up. I derived these effected guitar tracks from the original guitar track so if you end up using the DI you can listen to the 2 amped effects tracks that aren't in the DI and try to recreate what I did with copying and pasting chunks, but I would just use the AMPED to save you frustration. Also, theres a ton of tempo changes so I wont even bother giving you the tempo. The outro is meant to fade out, but they dont fade on the original tracks so they'll just keep repeating and probably end abruptly after about 1000 repeats so just fade it yourself.

Let me know if it works out / if there's any problems. Ill post .ZIP if you guys can't unarchive .rar

Ill be back with the vindication pt session and some more .Wavs later guys. I spent like 45 mins copying and renaming, rendering, etc so I gotta put it down for now.

P.S. no making fun of the vocals since I'm putting myself out there for you guys! :lol:
BASSY!! Super thick man very nice. I think you may have missed a few tracks for the chorus where the vocals drop out..unless I missed them on export :eek: Either way, really thick. Very nice version.
would anyone mind giving me some feedback on vindication? I dont understand whats happened to gearslutz....Im always helping out everyone on that forum, but everyones ignored my last 30 some posts...so I get no help there. So any help from you guys would be great. I'm still having issues mixing toms in with the music.

Digging both of these mixes guys. The first one def. feels like it was mixed with an old school death metal approach...dry and up front/in your face. I dig the bass in the second one a ton. Just seems to be more obvious than what I did....which is great cause I tend to hide bass cause I suck at mixing it. And I like the distortion too. Great job guys.
We just came out with our last track for the I Am Extinction EP. It's called "Operation Overseer." I plan on getting this session and vindication on here soon for mixing practice. Its def. not my best mix, but I had been working on it so long and kept fumbling with it that I just had to put it out. I wouldn't of ever been done with it had I mixed it like it needed to be in my mind. Let me know what you think.

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