Song for my side-breakdown band. Got to mic an 8x10!


May 3, 2004

Havent posted anything in a while so I thought I'd share a work in progress (but probably close to finished!) song I've been working on the past couple days for a band I kind of play guitar in with some friends.

Drums are all slate (I fucked up a kick in the first part!@!@!@!# :puke: it annoys me to no end hearing this export right now and not being at my work computer to fix it. arg!) Guitar is 6505+ to 57, with TS and mesa traditional cabinet. Bass was TS into mesa big block 750 into ampeg 8x10 with a beta52 mic which i think came out pretty sweet and really makes me want to ditch bass sims and go the extra mile to reamp a bass track from now on

tell me what you think!

edit: finalized this mix, listen here! the Dead - End of the World_finalmix.mp3
Sounds great. The kick's a bit robotic but not too much for the particular style. I think the OHs could be louder and wider but it might be personal preference.
Drums sound so puny compared to everything else. :(
This is pretty fucking nicely produced though man, very polished.
Hmmm i may have to revisit the drums slightly. I think I do agree about the OH and they might be a little small sounding overall

Sounds so huge! Great Job Sean!!!

Did you double track all the vocals?

Any info on what you did to the vocals would be cool. :kickass:

Thanks! vox are all through an AT4050, into great river pre. there are two vocalists and they each double tracked everything. One of them screams high and one low. I ended up cutting the higher vocalist out of like two parts though

there is some mostly subtractive eq into the waves cla1176 plugin at 8:1 medium attack super fast release with like 10db reduction and a small amount of quarter note delay and an altiverb emt140 plate on both vocal chains (the high and low singer)