Rate my tone

Sounds cool man! What impulses did you use if you don't mind me asking? The ts999 works great for thoose thick more saturated tones. Been trying it out latly instead of the tse 808 or ts secret. You guitar sounds really clean, not much of beloved ampsim fizzz...Did you cut or notch offending frequencies?
Sounds cool man! What impulses did you use if you don't mind me asking? The ts999 works great for thoose thick more saturated tones. Been trying it out latly instead of the tse 808 or ts secret. You guitar sounds really clean, not much of beloved ampsim fizzz...Did you cut or notch offending frequencies?

Gods cab man :)

blend of:
57-1inch cap pres 5,
57-1 inch cone far pres 5,
md421 1inch edge pres 5
and u87 4 foot pres 5 :)

and yep, got some pretty heavy cuts in for the fizz:

hi pass at 7.5k
lo pass at 85hz
-4.5db at 520
-4db at 4.8k :)

i'll upload screenshots if you want?
Yep :) about to play about with those settings on the left, and trying the le456 on the right.

Just tried sending them to a sub buss and putting a c4 on there too, instantly makes them more mix friendly :D
At first I thought it sounded a bit thin but it's mainly the lack of bass guitar so that's not really a problem. Needs a bit of gate because you can hear the hiss before you start playing. I can still hear some of the signature amp sim fizz but it's not that bad. Reminds me of Lamb of God's guitar tone.
Video and stuff

At first I thought it sounded a bit thin but it's mainly the lack of bass guitar so that's not really a problem. Needs a bit of gate because you can hear the hiss before you start playing. I can still hear some of the signature amp sim fizz but it's not that bad. Reminds me of Lamb of God's guitar tone.

Yeah, the hiss at the beginning is more down to my sheer laziness because I couldn't be bothered to cut it out/forgot, and gating is definitely the next step, if anything to try and get rid of the last bits of fizz
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