Rate the name of the band thread!

5/10 Explanation: I don't know.. a word coming from a language invented in a fantasy book ( Don't get me wrong, LotR rules ) that doesn't impress me.

Quo Vadis
All the best names (usually) are grindcore bands.

Napalm Death
eeer, as for the demo. nah not gonna happen just yet. only recently got some recording shit and am still laying down songs etc. once its up. ill see if i can post it. and any artwork contained therein somewhere on the site, or somewhere else and link it. and yes. we will play at your grannies old folks home. they got plenty of long jump pits at those places...or was that graves i was making sandcastles in?

Edit: yes, \\|// official UM rake logo is approved by me. ask Mr. Toby and Dantera what their thougts are. but they should be happy.
Up the rake \\|//