Rate the name of the band thread!

The Grimace said:
There might be something at their site. Otherwise, get Soulseek. The album's called 'The Trees Are Dead And Dried Out, Wait For Something Wild', which sounds obnoxious. But it's really that good. And you should probably get the entire album if possible 'cause you kinda have to experience it as a whole. It's an insane trip, there's a couple of piano instrumentals, there's an insane poetry thing with both singers shouting and sorta half-mumbling the lines back-and-forth, there's a 8 minute song that has the same middle-eastern vibe as Zep's 'Kashmir', and the actual songs are all crazy ass true (non-death) tech-metal.

So, yeah, uhhh... get it.

yeah, i already use slsk anyway. and i never get single songs, i always have to hear a band's full album haha. so i'll be going to find that right..A now.
The Rising Force Of Yngwie Malmsteen
Goat Vulva
Cannibal Corpse
Limp Bizkit
Damage Plan

Seriously, band names that I like:
Dark Tranquility
Sonata Arctica
Streetlight Manifesto (ska band)
Alice in Chains
Godsmack (disregarding that they suck and stole the name from an AiC song)
Liquid Tension

[edit] more cool names:
Blind Guardian
Porcupine Tree