Rate the previous song.

Lamb of God fucking suck. Shitcock/10

Marty Friedman rules 9/10

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where the fuck did i post shit 'core:zombie:
if you call music like behemoth, deicide, predatoria and sfu shit 'core, i wonder what you call death metal

Calm down! Wrong person I meant deathbyorder who posts ghey bands- dont worry dude, it was a misunderstanding

Anyway- 7/10

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^wtf was that shit? They look like faggots jumping around like that too 2/10 :rolleyes:

This song makes me wanna fuckin kill someone! Yeah! :kickass:
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One of the few AE songs I think are actually alright... What a fucking shit video though :lol: 6/10

Matt Barlow kicks you all in the dick.
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