Rate this death metal tune i mixed (Real Drums/Combination of SoloC and real amps)


Mar 11, 2008
This is a tune that can be found in the list of mixable songs, but there was no thread for it, so i made one ;)

Here is my mix. I'm pretty satisfied with it but i could not get a good sound out of the toms and bass. The toms had a lot of bleed and were played pretty soft and not always tight. Tried to sample those but that sounded like total chaos. Bass was not played very tight too and just could not get a good sound out of it (my opinion). Guitars are combination of real amps miced up with a SM57 (I really don't have a idea which amp cos i only mixed it) and a SoloC reamp. I tried something different compared to my normal approach. Normally i turn the mids really down but now i kept some mids in there because i think that suits the style :) Pretty happy how that turned out

Furthermore i realise the vocals are a little too loud, i will fix it later. For now enjoy it :)
I think it sounds really good.

The singer is kind of like a death metal James Hetfield style, and I think it sounds great.

The way the song is written sounds really good to. The changes work well and flow nicely.

The guitar tone sounds good in the mix but could probably use a high shelf or something to give it a bit more presence or something.

I think the drums fit the style well and sound good.

I think the guitar tone needs more bass. I don't like the crash cymbals, they sound too raw. Everything else sounds really good.

The singer sounds kind of like Susperia's singer.
sounds really good, although I ain´t digging at all those weird sounding leads, really annoying to my ears. And this doesn´t sound AT ALL like death metal to me, more like heavy/thrash stuff, the riffs are in no way death metal, nor are the drums and vocals. but still, really good mix IMO, very balanced, bass is barely heard but as you say it wasn´t played so tightly so keep it like it is, filling the low end just not that present in the mix