Rate this mix......my band.


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
We (me: drummer, and other 2 guitar players) had a spare evening and we quickly tried to record one of our songs to see if with the equipment I own we will be able to make our own demo disc.

I haven't done much work to the snare yet and you'll hear that cause it does not trigger a couple of time (in drumagog) still need to fix it..

Also I think guitar will need more gain, we didn't have any extra stuff on stock (no TS) so we just used the ENGL Ritchie Blackmore distortion of the amp...

Well...let me know..


p.s: I have not toms edited in this mix...still need to be mixed in there...i'm lazy boy..
guitars sound dead muddy and the drums sound way way way too loud, with a bit of crispening up the drums could sound good, the snare sounds fake though, seems to have the same sound all the way through, and the kick needs to be a tad louder i feel
drums sound pretty good, snare could stand to come down a good bit

the guitars do sound thin, and muddy tho...sounds like you've got the mids scooped out...the blackmore is a great sounding amp, you shouldn't need any type of boost to nail that kinda tone with it

what cab and recording setup are you using?
ENGL standard cab.

PRoblem also is that this is the Sennheiser MD421 with the bass setting set to middle...
I also had the tracks through as SM57....but stupid me..I threw it away..and where to i don't know..it sounded much nicer and more powerfull..

Like I said, this was just done within an hour, setting it up and playing it in..(drums & guitar)...

I;m running not te best mic pre-amps tho SM PRO Audio..they sound really "weak/thin" allready because of those pre's. Well atleast that's what I feel when I compare it to a bit more expensive pre's :)..

Anyway it does the job for now..But when we'r recording for the band seriously I gotta have me a better mic pre-amp...
Also I make sure then then we probally double up both guitar parts...

All Snare samples & bass drum samples are from my own gear, I made my own samples and ran them through Drumagog. I still need to fix the snare track so it triggers all and then I can put on dynamic triggering and it will sound much cleaner and natural the snare track.
even with a cheapo pre, you should be able to get a good guitar tone from that engl halfstack using the 421 and 57...i've heard a lot of really good sounding, home brewed clips of that amp

not sure if i understand what kinda feedback you're after, or why...given that you state this was just something quickly thrown together