5.5/10 I like the song, actually most of that album is good. Its problem is that that it takes a lot to get to the good part, it drags along and gets all gimmicky effects and synth happy.

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Below average Priest worship. The drumming is what I would imagine Ram it Down sounding like had they not used a drum machine, the gang vocals are cheesy, and the riffs are as standard as speed metal can get. 4/10.

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7/10 Not bad. Edit:mad: Necroraven

5/10 For hamburgerboy's song, I guess I'm not in the mood for slow, doomy, super distorted, and depressing music I'm on the fence with that song. Just meh.

6.5/10 Like that album, not really my favorite track off it, though...

Not the biggest Dark Tranquility fan, but I've seen them last night, they made quite an awesome show:

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6/10 - not good start, but the song relly broke down in the second half for me, nevertheless, will have to check out some of their stuff!

Some classic thrash:

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3/10 They layed on the same genric riff for the first half then went into an extremely uninteresting and unoriginal guitar solo then back on that same boring riff again for the rest of the song into a fade out.

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I don't really have a reason for disliking that song.

Curious of what people here think of Aborted.
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