Heh, Katatonia's best albums are after BMD

9/10 for the primordial song, love the band and it is one of the few great songs from that album
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Yup, nice. Not a huge fan of the band, but Ive been wanting to get more into them. Just never had the time. Rating: 6.5/10

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Hey look another pretentious technical metalcore band. I'll give them 0/10 for inherently engaging in suckage.
Right, all I had to do was randomly skip to the 2-minute mark to hear a breakdown. The rest of what I heard had a jazzy "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!1!!" metal vibe to it.

Also, Impetigo are pretty different from any of the boregrind shit you're talking about (and also one of the first bands along with Autopsy and Repulsion to have consistent horror themes in old school death metal/grind) so my guess is that you didn't take the time to listen to my song either.
Where did I say they didn't have metalcore traits? You called them a technical metalcore band which is a completely misleading and incorrect title. Either way, I said try listening to it, as in THE ENTIRE SONG before you start blowing them off. If you still hate them after that then that's fine. But don't act like a dbag and mislabel, misjudge, and totally blow them off before even listening to them.
He's fully entitled to find Between the Buried and Me boring and pretentious. You don't like certain things, and other people are entitled to do so if they please. I'd have posted the exact same thing as him, and I've listened to Alaska and Colors in their entirety multiple times. Even I can accept the fact that some people don't like the same music as me.

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He's fully entitled to find Between the Buried and Me boring and pretentious. You don't like certain things, and other people are entitled to do so if they please. I'd have posted the exact same thing as him, and I've listened to Alaska and Colors in their entirety multiple times. Even I can accept the fact that some people don't like the same music as me.


Apparently you missed the part where I said it's ok to not like a band, but judging them without actually listening to them is grounds for a kick to the balls.

Oh and by the way, you're supposed to rate the persons music who posted before you, that's how this game works. I went ahead and jumped over your video to mutantllamas.
Where did I say they didn't have metalcore traits? You called them a technical metalcore band which is a completely misleading and incorrect title. Either way, I said try listening to it, as in THE ENTIRE SONG before you start blowing them off. If you still hate them after that then that's fine. But don't act like a dbag and mislabel, misjudge, and totally blow them off before even listening to them.

OK, let's see. Their music is technical. Their music is metalcore. You do the math.

I've heard that Sullen Circus album (or whatever it's called) by the band before and found them incredibly lame so I didn't feel the need to immediately listen to the song. I was merely responding to your claim that Impetigo is "just another boring gore band" which is fucking retarded enough as it is since they were incredibly influential (on some great and admittedly shitty bands but that's besides the point). It sounds to me like you did not listen to the song either.