Apparently you missed the part where I said it's ok to not like a band, but judging them without actually listening to them is grounds for a kick to the balls.

Pardon me for asking, but prior to the post directly preceding my own, where is the evidence that he didn't listen to them? I must be missing something. If you're trying to imply that nobody can poorly rate them after actually hearing them, that's not exactly evidence and there doesn't seem to be anything else to go by.
You don't need to justify yourself to Richard. Everyone already knows that he gets mad and calls people unreasonable anytime someone doesn't agree completely with his opinions.
OK, let's see. Their music is technical. Their music is metalcore. You do the math.

I've heard that Sullen Circus album (or whatever it's called) by the band before and found them incredibly lame so I didn't feel the need to immediately listen to the song. I was merely responding to your claim that Impetigo is "just another boring gore band" which is fucking retarded enough as it is since they were incredibly influential (on some great and admittedly shitty bands but that's besides the point).

:erk: I'm going to keep this civil with you because I don't mind you.

The Silent Circus is a straight up metalcore album, no doubt about it. Most of their stuff up until Colors (the album we're talking about) is straight up metalcore. Once they came out with Colors they totally shifted direction and became extremely involved in mixing different sub-genres of metal including death and prog and sometimes a few black metal tremolo style riffs and some odd Mike Patton-esque passages. It's a very eclectic mixture of music styles.

So getting back to the main argument, and while I say this I mean it in the most respectful way, you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to this band apparently. They aren't just a metalcore band. In fact, aside from the vocals and the occasional metalcore riff, their last two albums have been anything but metalcore.
Pardon me for asking, but prior to the post directly preceding my own, where is the evidence that he didn't listen to them? I must be missing something. If you're trying to imply that nobody can poorly rate them after actually hearing them, that's not exactly evidence and there doesn't seem to be anything else to go by.

Refer to the quote directly below this.

To be fair, I didn't listen to the song but like I said, I've heard the band before.

Oh shit son! Looks like I was right. I bet that just puckered up your asshole didn't it Omni?

You don't need to justify yourself to Richard. Everyone already knows that he gets mad and calls people unreasonable anytime someone doesn't agree completely with his opinions.

Let's see some proof dickhead.

pretty passable prog. but nothing special like everyone likes to say they are


That's not even the best song on the album bro, that's just the opener. The best song is the 4th track. Here listen to this two links (it's 11 minutes long so it's on two links split in half)

1st half:
2nd half: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4ZvXAMwvMg&feature=related[/ame]

Pretty amazing song imo.
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I heard enough traits in that song for it to be lumped under metalcore (and yes I did just finish listening to the entire song). If not, you could easily just call it progressive/technical metalcore if you prefer to be specific.

Metalcore is a derogatory term so it's not surprising that you would deny it being labeled as such since I've heard countless bands being denied the metalcore tag by fans so as not to be labeled "un-metal" for liking it. You don't need to get butt-hurt every time people don't like music you listen to fyi. Some sense of security in your musical taste might suit you well.
I'm not getting butthurt, I'm just trying to help a misguided metal fan have some sort of understanding about a band I happen to like. I already said if you want to hate on them go ahead, just make sure you are hating on them for the right reasons is all.
He's not misguided. BTBAM is a metalcore band. Get over it. If you want some proof of what I said about you earlier, read some of your recent posts in this thread and tell me that isn't exactly what you're doing right now.
I understood exactly what I understood when I first heard the band. The band was wanky and incorporated jazz elements on that Silent Circus album too if I remember correctly. Still metalcore. Still don't like it.
5/10. no real opinion on that... wasnt bad, but i dont really wanna listen to it again or hear anything else from the band.

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3.5/10 never got into Skyclad.


Ah, found the video:

Did I just hear you say you're not much of a Venom fan?
4/10 It bored me.
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