No, I just think you should stop blatantly trying to start shit with people who like music that you don't. Don't try to say that isn't what you're doing either, because there would be no other reason for it.

It's pretty obvious that guy is the true definition of elitism. And TBH I have no idea who that was directed towards lol...


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Ok bro, i get it ... you love Fates Warning and would probably give Arch a handjob if he asked for one. I was just pointing out which of those bands i enjoy more, since they were both rated within a few posts. I also liked Nile more than Fates Warning, is that going to get your panties up in a bunch too? Wow.

Yea, i guess most people here are tards bro.

No offense dude (just kidding I don't care if you're offended) but do you have to include ad hominem's in all of your responses/arguments?

do you have to include ad hominem's in all of your responses/arguments?

The part about him giving Arch a hand job? Really? Would it have bothered you any less if i called him a "fanboy" instead? When the fuck did this place go so soft? If i were you, i'd check too see if my balls were still in tact.
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"aggressive" Lol, that says it all.

You and you fellow battered housewife(prophet) agreeing on me being "aggressive" doesn't really mean shit. You just didnt need to start all this bullshit over the fact that someone else didnt like one of your beloved butt-bands, and you really didn't need to get offended from me making lighthearted jokes about you and Arch, lol.

Also, weren't there a few people who agreed with me that Fates Warning sucks dick and that Septic Flesh rules?


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The part about him giving Arch a hand job? Really? Would it have bothered you any less if i called him a "fanboy" instead? When the fuck did this place go so soft? If i were you, i'd check too see if my balls were still in tact.

Don't go assuming that I'm "bothered" by your ad hominem attack, I simply asked because using ad hominem's in any type of argument is never productive, unless you want people to to think you're an asshole who acts superior to everyone. There's a difference between going soft and being as you say "aggressive" for no apparent reason other than to boost your ego. This forum should be a productive place for people to visit, not a place to get ridiculed for no reason, maybe try being respectful to people instead of insulting them and you wont even have to keep defending yourself. I'd like to think this a place where people can find out more about metal community and metal music, and you are setting the bar really low...
Don't go assuming that I'm "bothered" by your ad hominem attack, I simply asked because using ad hominem's in any type of argument is never productive, unless you want people to to think you're an asshole who acts superior to everyone. There's a difference between going soft and being as you say "aggressive" for no apparent reason other than to boost your ego. This forum should be a productive place for people to visit, not a place to get ridiculed for no reason, maybe try being respectful to people instead of insulting them and you wont even have to keep defending yourself. I'd like to think this a place where people can find out more about metal community and metal music, and you are setting the bar really low...

YOU? YOU'RE telling me that I'M setting the bar low? :lol: oh wow. Says the guy who thinks posting every other obscure dm album in every other thread gets him some kind of magical KVLT points? Remember when you were trying to talk down on people here for thinking they didnt know bands like Pestilence and shit for posting them in the NP or Albums kicking your ass thread? :lol: Yeah bro, im setting the bar real low. Remember when we had a Poster of the Year thread or some shit? How many people mentioned you? I think i might have been the only one bro .... i've contributed far more to this forum than you ever have.

I've never ridiculed anyone for no reason. I made a lighthearted joke(as we all do around here) because he was clearly bothered by me saying that i prefer Septic Flesh to Fates Warning. There is nothing else there. People like you need to stop trying to neuter this place. And just to be clear, which part of that post bothered you? I'm honestly curious. And dont say it didnt, it clearly did since you jumping on me for nonsense like this has become the norm. Was it the Arch-handjob part? If i had said "fan" or "fanboy", would you have still jumped on my dick like you are doing right now? Yeah, i think you would have. And yes, if that comment is the sole reason that you are bothered than you indeed have went soft as a grape. I wonder, does this all lead back to me accusing you of being a poseur and a tool a few months back? Are you still butthurt because of that? If so than i would like to formally apologize ... you are not a poseur, or a tool, just as soft as a fresh cinnabon.

Septicflesh are pure garbage.

AARRRRGHHH!! I'm offended!!! LETS FIGHT!!! lol

I enjoy their first three albums, especially Mystic Places. And i really dig Communion and The Great Mass, i think they are both great albums. Ive only heard their latest record once or twice, but didn't think too much of it.
It's okay, doesn't do a lot for me in the same way early Behemoth doesn't as I said before.

Anyway, I'm giving that Vio-lence track a 6/10.

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TB: I don't seem to recall mentioning whose music taste was better as a factor of whether you're aggressive so I don't know why you're mentioning people agreeing with you on that. A lot of people think you are argumentative, regardless of subject. It was like that when I was here before too. A lot of senior members found you to be argumentative and aggressive back then as well.

You are 100% entitled to your opinions, but you express them in an annoying way. Also, under no circumstances am I a battered wife because you aren't upsetting me despite constant immature personal insults peppered in your posts. Maybe you should talk like an adult instead of a rude teenager if you want people to get off your back. Calling people gay or acting like they are less manly than you if they disagree with your very subjective opinions and the way that you share them is not an adult way to communicate. Unlike you, I have not even stated that I found your music taste bad, which you have done repeatedly and attempted to make petty gay accusations about it as well. Very mature.

I'm totally done with this conversation as of now, but I stand by my opinion on how the disagreement progressed and that it's dumb to use manliness and calling people gay as a platform of argument. For the record, I like the early Septic Flesh too. At least everyone can probably agree there.
YOU? YOU'RE telling me that I'M setting the bar low? :lol: oh wow. Says the guy who thinks posting every other obscure dm album in every other thread gets him some kind of magical KVLT points? Remember when you were trying to talk down on people here for thinking they didnt know bands like Pestilence and shit for posting them in the NP or Albums kicking your ass thread? :lol: Yeah bro, im setting the bar real low. Remember when we had a Poster of the Year thread or some shit? How many people mentioned you? I think i might have been the only one bro .... i've contributed far more to this forum than you ever have.

I've never ridiculed anyone for no reason. I made a lighthearted joke(as we all do around here) because he was clearly bothered by me saying that i prefer Septic Flesh to Fates Warning. There is nothing else there. People like you need to stop trying to neuter this place. And just to be clear, which part of that post bothered you? I'm honestly curious. And dont say it didnt, it clearly did since you jumping on me for nonsense like this has become the norm. Was it the Arch-handjob part? If i had said "fan" or "fanboy", would you have still jumped on my dick like you are doing right now? Yeah, i think you would have. And yes, if that comment is the sole reason that you are bothered than you indeed have went soft as a grape. I wonder, does this all lead back to me accusing you of being a poseur and a tool a few months back? Are you still butthurt because of that? If so than i would like to formally apologize ... you are not a poseur, or a tool, just as soft as a fresh cinnabon.

AARRRRGHHH!! I'm offended!!! LETS FIGHT!!! lol

I enjoy their first three albums, especially Mystic Places. And i really dig Communion and The Great Mass, i think they are both great albums. Ive only heard their latest record once or twice, but didn't think too much of it.
Honestly I think your entire life must be based on ad hominem attacks. I'm making the case that you act like an asshole for no reason and instead of defending yourself or making a case against my position you're just insulting me and bringing up things that are so trivial I don't even understand why you remember them. I mess around sometimes too but I'm pretty sure I haven't gone around saying people are faggots or they suck dick, clearly we have a different opinion on what light-hearted means. I'm not bothered, again I think this place should be more productive, posting a shitload of old school death metal doesn't seem like a bad thing to me, there are people who have never heard of stuff I listen to and don't know how to type in google "obscure death metal rateyourmusic" or know how to use the similar artists function on metal-archives, so maybe they come here to talk to people directly and get peoples opinions on albums. By the way, you can't really offend me, I know I'm not a poser so you calling me one isn't really effective, plus I know it's not your fault you were born this way, I just thought maybe it's possible you can stop being an asshole for once and have respectful, immature and perhaps even intellectual conversation.
The more you guys piss and moan about TB the more TB is growing on me.
Anybody that can produce this kind of reaction is genius, he doesn't even bother me at all and I've had like a hundred encounters with the twat and I only joined in May of this year, not bothered me at all.

Edit: well, besides his shitty taste in techfaggery, obviously.