5/10, just not my cup of tea. If it's metal and it ain't fast, the guitars and vocals need to be melodic to do anything for me. I'm not a fan of their guitar sound or the vocals

Here's some Prog Metal:

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9.5/10, only docking a half point because the intro dragged on.

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The music is great, but I hate most of the growl vocals out there. I'm only a fan of a few death-metal bands because of that reason.

Kinda weird though, that's 99% of what's being put on this thread haha...

Anyways, I might get roasted for the following post, but the latest Ratt Album fucking rules. They are heavier, faster, and I love the riffing. It's definitely heavy metal, albeit with some glam influence:

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My dad has a couple of Ratt albums, but being that he likes a lot glam stuffs and still hates them, I never bothered. That was enjoyable in its entirety. 7/10.

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Pretty good, a lot better album than Victory Songs anyway. 8/10

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I've never understood what was so great about Townsend...

Some Viking Metal (without growl vocals - yay)

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Saw them a couple months ago.

Haven't listened to that kind of music too much, sounded pretty decent actually. Singing didn't sound annoying like usually in hip hop/rap/whatever. 7/10

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