Rate your Year

How was your 2008...
Mine was:

Use this box in blank below:
I'm not sure how to edit that diagram and I can't be arsed to figure it out, so suffice it to say that the first three months of this year were utter shit, the next couple were a slight improvement, from June to September was a definite improvement, and in October there was a dip because I went overseas, but it's been a steady improvement since then. I'm optimistic for 2009. =]
I have not been keeping track of the months. Mine has mostly been shit. There were some good times. Being drunk almost everyday of the summer at the park with hundreds of people from my school and area was great. I love the sun...

Other than a select few times...miserable. It seams this year is off to a worse start than I had left off the previous.
Currently - isolation, depression, and a massive hate towards all people. Bring 2009 on...let's see where it lands me.