2007 - the best albums

K I redid my best of 2007 list a lot after giving a lot of albums a lot of listens...

1. Worship - Dooom - I have this album on the most appropriate formats(lp, cass) for reasons of giving my ears perfect pleasure. This is by far the best funeral doom album ever made...I might even go as far as saying the best doom album my ears have heard. I have never been so hooked on a doom band before this, and it's almost like a standard to play this masterpiece at least 1-2 times a day. Do yourself a favor and pick this one up...anyway you can.

2. Nocturnal Graves - Satan's Cross - What can I say? There's magic down under! These bestial death maniacs released the best death metal album in probably the last 5 years(can't forget Repugnant though). No joke about it. This is a rifftastic ride. I suggest picking up the vinyl version quickly before it sells out, the packaging for this vinyl is reminescent of the old days and the cover art is definitely some evil eye candy for those who love to dissect the art while blasting this hellride.

3. Villains - Drenched In The Poisons - The dirtiest album of the year hands down. When listening to this album you feel like taking a shit, pissing your pants, foaming at the mouth and puking your guts out....at least what I get out of it. Dirty blackend deathride through the slums...this is what is needed in this sugarcoated myspace nudeath metal world. Short and sweet and to the point. Get it!

4. Deathevokation - Chalice Of Ages - A blast from the past? Not quite. Original? Well depends on what you mean. Do the influences shine through? Yes. Is it a rip off? Fuck no! This is the official 1990 Swedish death metal album of the year by an American band in 2007. They have their own unique sound without sounding bland or too reminescent of Unleashed or Grave. The vocalist, a lad from Germany is memory serves correctly, has one of "the" best growls around...He's a fucking monster. This is dedicated to the lost souls that can't get enough of the "real" Swedish Death sound.

5. Ignivomous - Path Of Attrition - Well Kevin how can a demo make your top 5? Well being Australian and putting out probably the best demo since N.C.'s Deathstorm will do that. This isn't for everyone. It's a pretty brutal ride throughout...and not the brutal you even think...we're talking bestial(can't get enough of that word)brutality here...that only the Australians can do. With only 3 songs and a intro you'd think it would be short, but the average song length is at least 6 minutes and they don't get boring in the least. This is definitely for fans of Martire and other hard pounding, relentless metal machines. I say, go to NWN, order the vinyl right now and wreck your player...this is a keeper!

And the ones that didn't make the top 5 and in no particular order:

Alcest - Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde
Nifelheim - Envoy of Lucifer
Thrice - Alchemy Index I&II
Primordial- To The Nameless Dead
Dodsferd- Fucking Your Creation
Portal - Outre
Immolation - Shadows In The Light
Bestial Raids - Reversed Black Trinity
Damaar - Triumph Through Spears of Sacrilege (Vinyl)
Profanatica - Profanatitas De Domonatia
Weedeater- God Luck and Good Speed
Witchcraft - The Alchemist
Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today
Amorphis - Silent Waters
Moonsorrow - V: Hävitetty
Entombed - Serpent Saints
Forgotten Tomb - Negative Megalomania
Iced Earth - Framing Armageddon