Most anticipated albums for 2007

isn't that new Radiohead album supposed to be published via internet only?

what? where did you hear that!? fuck all that jazz, ain't no way i'm payin for that. :mad:

"The band have stated they will not make a decision on how to release their new material until it is finished, but that they do not plan to permanently re-sign to a label for more than one record at a time. Yorke has also hinted at the possibility of releasing EPs rather than an album, but ruled out Internet-only distribution. It is unknown whether the band has plans to negotiate a new contract with a label for release of current and future recordings."

I was seriously worried about the 5 song thing, and god Damn why should I be, I mean it's steve wilson after all.. it sounds utterly amazing. I seriously can't wait now. hmmm ahhh ohhhh
hey ShadowNINE - Diluvium are my homies! :rock:

where did you find out about them, i'm curious :goggly:

isn't that new Radiohead album supposed to be published via internet only?

Diluvium seems to be pretty cool! I heard about them through their old label, CCP Records. I really liked the old logo, and I checked out the music. Good stuff. The new album is already out, actually! Have you heard it?

(It's a good thing Radiohead aren't going to release the new album through the internet only. That would be a real disappointment.)

I'm also curious about Nokturnal Mortum. I used to listen a LOT of them, but now my taste of music has kind of softened and my boyfriend has adopted all my NM cds.
I can't wait for the new Nokturnal Mortum. They always put out quality releases.

And I just listened to the new Dimmu Borgir. It's a lot better than DCA...but it's just missing something. There's no selling out or's a blast through out the whole thing....But nothing memorable that makes me wanna replay it...ehhh
oh god... there are too many. not sure when they're coming out though:

soon: Symphony X, Judas Priest, Dimmu Borgir, Kamelot, Porcupine Tree, Dream Theater, Megadeth, Evergrey, Iced Earth, Rush

may have begun being recorded: Beyond the Embrace, Negative Hate, King Diamond, Nevermore, Nile, Spiral Architect, Devin Townsend