Rate your Year

I had a great 2009, got together with my girlfriend, moved in with her, had many good times, nice travels, several good albums came out, went to some great concerts.

One minus was my brother getting dumped by his girlfriend (the very same day my gf and me 'officially' got together..) after 5,5 years together, he had a pretty lousy 2009 because of it, it was pretty rough to see him as sad as he was because of it..

My life is generally on the downside I suppose. Good things never last for a substantial amount of time for me.

On the upside however, I don't have any more computers blowing up in my face as per last year. :P

Well I can rate 2009 straight away. I haven't been on here for 2 weeks. The reason being that on the morning of January 1st, my computer decided it wanted to blow up. It wasn't turned on when I woke up that morning so I hit the power button and nothing happened. So I opened it up to take a look at it and make sure that something hadn't come loose. I turned it back on and the PSU blew up while my face was no more than a foot away from it. My computer is completely fried but my hard drive should be ok. I haven't gotten around to testing it yet. Then 2 days ago my mobile phone that has worked perfectly for the past 2 years decided it didn't want to work anymore. Hence, I had to go buy a new one. Great way to start the year. :erk:
My kick off in 2009 was pretty bad. Moved a few states over to be with my gf then things got kinda fucked up so I was pretty lonely from March-September, had to stay so I didn't fuck up my credit, plus I didn't have enough money to move out anyway, living paycheck to paycheck. Moved back to Arizona in October, got my old job back with same pay...so it's gotten better, got my friends and family so it's much better...We'll see what adventures 2010 brings.
Oh yeah, and during those "lonely" months I pretty much killed my liver drinking a half bottle of this almost every other day:

Damn good vodka though :)