Raw as fuck Hardcore from Illinois!


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/631208/Track 4 Final forsneap.mp3

First proper paid job and first credited mix and master! LET'S CELEBRATE!

Drums are S2.0, slingerland 70's snare, toms are just the default ones. kick is a blend of like 3 kicks. one of lasse's, nate's and the broodwiches. i think i may have mixed morgans tunnel kick in there too, but i cant remember.

Guitars are 8505 into fredman impulses. tried recabinet (cheers again for the EPIC bargain shane :headbang:, you should all go buy it if you havent done already!) but i think i need to really sit and spend some time fucking about with mic combinations and all that stuff. there's just too much choice haha.

Bass was Ampeg SVX and a fuckton of processing. 4 different tracks. One is a subbass track that I limited to the point of it being a sausage, trance style (thanks ermz!) and the rest are all twang/distortion/meat tracks with various settings. kept the subbass track really high in the mix with very little of the really distorted shit and went for a mega sludge/doom tone, works really well.

Vocals were quite roomy to begin with. Compressed twice over with API-2500 and sent to a small room reverb which was turned up really fucking high.

This mix is pretty messy, the performances are sloppy and it could probably sound far better, but the fact that it's hardcore makes it all okay IMO. I'm really pleased with how this sounds at the end of the day, so it's cool. Nice and raw and heavy and atmospheric. Sounds like a band in a room playing music together and that's not something to complain about IMO

edit: also big big shout outs to nectar and fuel and owen for converting drums to midi for me while i worked on the mixes, couldnt have got this one down without you two \m/
I like the mix a lot, but IMHO you could cut the mids of the snare a bit.
Anyway i like it, the bass sounds very good and clear.
Nice work
fucking sweet job on this dude. I would maybe make that snare a little 'smaller' and get the attack super crispy and sharp.

The guitars sound a little too well-rounded for hardcore in my opinion, more sharp top end would make them cut like a bitch.

...I know that's some terrible terminology so listen to any track from 'This Is Where the Fight Begins' by Ghost of a Thousand if you don't get what I mean. Mate of mine Sam Burden produced it and it was mixed by Kurt Ballou.

I'm hearing a tiny bit of weird flamming so check the alignment of your samples.

Great job other than that mate, fucking cool!
edit: also big big shout outs to nectar and fuel and owen for converting drums to midi for me while i worked on the mixes, couldnt have got this one down without you two m/

:kickass: No bother man, just happy to help out, you did a great job :)
Yeah I am hearing some flamming as well on the snare. Also I think the snare could use a low mid cut. I love this mix though man other than those 2 issues.
Sounds good, although you need to do something to the guitars to make em stand out more. Its a very mono mix - loud bass, loud vocals, loud drums, all centred. THe guitars need some mroe lowmids or something to make it more stereo.
Damn man, sounds sweet. Drums really give it an almost live feel, especially when listening through my studio monitors. Really got a cool 90s metalcore/hardcore punk vibe going on, and I approve of that.
I think the drum vibe is nice, but I feel like the vocals are a little too roomy for my tastes. The bass sounds real nice.

The mix has a nice spaciousness to it.
Nice one, It's a great feeling when you first get paid for a job, my first paid recording was a coupla months ago

edit: also big big shout outs to nectar and fuel and owen for converting drums to midi for me while i worked on the mixes, couldnt have got this one down without you two m/

Ain't no thang but a chicken wang on a strang at Burger Kang, mang :headbang: