RAW: Real amps, drums, bass, vox, no click


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York

So, this is the first mix you've heard from me in quite a bit, since I've been recording a handful of bands, and doing reamps for everyone and their mother.

A band got in touch with me who recorded with a complete tard.

"Nah, you don't need to record to a click... it will sound more real if you don't."

"Guitar DIs aren't important, you only need to track everything once and just pan it a bit to one side."

"No, I'm not editing anything."

Do you see where this is going...? This was a bit of an act of turd polishing. I really like the band, and they're all talented individuals.

THE ORIGINAL MIX: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1569935/Red_Heels.mp3

MY FIRST MIX: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1569935/Karma Versa- Red Heels Rough Mix.mp3

REVISED MIX:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1569935/Karma Versa- Red Heels Mix 2.mp3

So, I edited this by ear, re-recorded guitars and I mixed it. This is a no bullshit mix, there's a sample on the kick, because it was complete garbage. I was going for a rawer, under-produced sound, because that's what this band is about. A lot of you guys who like "vibey" mixes may enjoy it a lot.

The guitar tone is something different. The mix was really lacking thickness, due to the way the tracking was done, so I wanted a guitar tone to fill out the low midrange quite a bit. I like the fact that you can hear the vocal over the distorted guitars EASILY. They didn't really fight for space.

Let me know what you guys think.


I really enjoyed the room sound in the drums of the original compared to your mix, otherwise the orginal was quite a turd like you said.

It seems like lot of bands these days records with these retarded AE's and I dont get it, is it because they are cheap or what???
im sorry but the vocalist is way too ambitious, he can't even pull off what he's trying to do.

and i think the original mix is way better =

Sorry, but I'm also with Joey on this one. The original is not a great mix by any stretch, but the vibe matches the music a lot better.

As mentioned, the vocalist needs some serious work too.

These guys need to go back to the drawing board, get their performances together, then re-track it from the ground up, properly.
i reckon the original mix is way more dynamic.
your guitar sounds are much better though, and your vocals too, but its all too "in your face/up front" for the music.
i like the sound of the band. they've got a sweet vibe like you said!
While I can see were you are going with the new mix I still also prefer the old mix, but that might be because im kinda big on DIY screamo (the saddest landscape, loma prieta and so on) and the old mix have that raw vibe.

Would like to hear the two mixes with equal volume/"mastering".
Original has an awesome vibe and feels really real and organic - the new mix has some reaaaally strange drum sample choices, and everything sounds more hi-fi but not better. Removed all vibe/feeling, to me.
Wow, a lot of mixed feelings on this one.

Drums have a weird, super-compressed character that doesn't fit and the guitars are harsh and just 'there', not so much fizzy as just the whole upper mid spectrum is just flatlined, very amp-sim-like.

Note taken. Drums in the original had zero punch, and you couldn't even hear them, so I figured that I'd get them out there. I probably went too far.

On the guitar tone, the guitarist was quite keen on it, so I suppose I need to play around with it and still keep him happy.

Sorry, but I'm also with Joey on this one. The original is not a great mix by any stretch, but the vibe matches the music a lot better.

As mentioned, the vocalist needs some serious work too.

These guys need to go back to the drawing board, get their performances together, then re-track it from the ground up, properly.

I'll work on making the new mix a bit more "vibey."

Agreed on the vocalist, to each their own, but I've definitely dealt with MUCH worse.

Performances aren't going to be redone. They spent their money on tracking, and it took me hours to edit as much as I did already.

Original has an awesome vibe and feels really real and organic - the new mix has some reaaaally strange drum sample choices, and everything sounds more hi-fi but not better. Removed all vibe/feeling, to me.

Band didn't like the original mixes at all, hence why they came to me.

The drums aren't sampled in the new one aside from the kick drum, so I suppose I need to rework my processing for them. I'll work on this one some more.
greg. i personally think your mix is in parts absolutely perfect for this music, im thinking mars volta.
the calmer parts are really good !

in other parts id recommend this :

- id change something about the snare. it feels a litle out of place, the original had more room to it, right ?
maybe try way more room (z2 slate) to give this more dimension.

- id also try to mix guitars and vocals the opposite.
maybe leave the guitars dry as they are and put the vocals back in the mix, make them very roomy.
i think this would help to cover some of the problems the singer has.

- id work on the bass more, to glue the whole thing more. (im thinking more rock bass tone)

- kick : maybe try the led zepplin one from slate, i think this needs something more open and real sounding and less definition.

i know how hard polishing a turd is, i had to do it many times...
but man : if the band is happy - you did a great job, id say !

but id definately try out a different vibe too, to see, into which direction you can take this mix.