RC Gathering: "summer in the city"

EMPEROR Guitarist SAMOTH Forced To Miss Tonight's Performance In NYC - July 13, 2006

Norwegian black metal legends EMPEROR arrive on U.S. soil for the first time in years one member short. Due to continued delays via the U.S. Immigration Services, guitarist Samoth is currently awaiting approval for legal entry into the United States. The process for the band's visit started months ago and despite daily calls from both Norwegian and U.S. representatives of the band to multiple departments in the U.S. embassy in Oslo and Stateside governmental departments and agencies, his status still pends.

Samoth comments, "What can I say? As things stand today, I'm not allowed to enter the U.S. It's an extremely unfortunate situation and totally out of my control. The reality is that I'm still waiting for a 'waiver' that apparently has to come from the Department of Homeland Security in the U.S. We have done everything we can and continue the dialogue with all agencies involved. It has been an exhausting and very costly process. I've had several visas issued in the past, and technically there should be no reason for them not to grant one now. We realize that this is a bit of a let-down for everybody involved, especially everybody who bought tickets to come and see the show tonight [July 13]. Please bear with us on this. The show will and must go on no matter what. Ihsahn, Trym, Secthdamon and Einar will fucking devastate! I will be there as soon as I have the go-ahead."

Ihsahn adds, "This is a very unfortunate situation for all parts as everybody has been looking very much forward to this whole trip. I think, however, we owe it to ourselves and our fans to keep our spirit up."

EMPEROR will perform tonight (July 13) at B.B. King Blues Club in New York City. Their performance for July 14 is already sold out as is their July 16 performance at Key Club in Los Angeles. The band's final performance is scheduled for July 17 at House of Blues in Los Angeles.
Looks like Dark One might skip this show tomorrow ... :loco:
and join us for sleazy sluts and shitty beer
lurch70 said:
i'll take anything over the folded arm wonder that must be the Emperor show :loco:
I'm with you. I listen to their discs and I just don't get it. Given that they've had such a long layoff and they're missing a member, their live show has got to be an undecipherable wall of sound.

although the solo album by their frontman IHSAHN, "The Adversary", is really good.

I actually think you might like this, especially if you liked the new Satyricon ...
Actually, the show was really good. Crystal clear sound, you could hear every note Ishahn played (on his 7 string Ibanez??). It's also really impressive to see just how technical some of his guitar playing is -- I actually had no idea. He's all over the fretboard.

Great set list -- pretty much the same as what Europe got: "Infinity of Thoughts" straight into "Cosmic Keys", "Thus Spake", "Curse all you Men", Elegy of Icarus", "Black Wizards", "Ye Emprenciusmamstum", "Carlos Inno Santana" etc....all the usual suspects.

Yeah, Samoth not being there was a moment of ... ugh. We spotted it straight away and knew it was an immigration thing. But I wonder if the sound was clearer just because we didn't get the 2nd guitar?

So does anyone know if Dissection made it into the USA?
lurch70 said:
i'll take anything over the folded arm wonder that must be the Emperor show :loco:

Haha, I was half expecting that. I think I only saw one fan in corpse paint, otherwise it was pretty animated. Quite a mix in the crowd, all ethnic groups, all ages, and a bunch of skanky chicks -- typical NYC crowd. I honestly didn't realize Emperor had such a wide fan base.
JayKeeley said:
Haha, I was half expecting that. I think I only saw one fan in corpse paint, otherwise it was pretty animated. Quite a mix in the crowd, all ethnic groups, all ages, and a bunch of skanky chicks -- typical NYC crowd. I honestly didn't realize Emperor had such a wide fan base.

the South American kids "make" the scene in NY :loco: