RC March Madness - Elite 8 Results

It's really weird because I love the 4 groups that are left, but still say
to the overall results.
It is surprising that Enslaved has made it this far. I guess they are the Cinderella story of our tournament. They shoulda been gone long ago. Thing about Enslaved is that the prog dorks will vote for 'em because of the later stuff, and the black metallers will vote for 'em because of the early stuff.

Meh, Carcass is better. :D
I admit I'm happy Opeth and Maiden are gone. Now we can get down to business.

Slough Feg never bothered me.
After all, this competition is only representative of the tastes of RC, which besides being pretty diverse are kind of out of touch with what a lot of "metal fans" think these days, aye? So who the fuck cares? It's all fun and games, unless you're that guy who started this whole thing :)
Demilich said:
After all, this competition is only representative of the tastes of RC, which besides being pretty diverse are kind of out of touch with what a lot of "metal fans" think these days, aye? So who the fuck cares? It's all fun and games, unless you're that guy who started this whole thing :)
Actually, I look at it the same way. This is one of the few collections of people, who would vote Agalooch over Maiden or Bathory over Opeth. As you said, it's all fun and games.

Yes: Agalloch, Burzum, Enslaved, and Bathory is VERY representative of RC's tastes on a broad scale. Had Primordial not met Bathory so early on, they'd be in there too.

Opeth, Maiden, Slough Feg, and Carcass are not very representative at all (regardless of how many discussions and threads exist).

With that said, Opeth, Maiden, and Carcass are some of the biggest names in metal. So I'm nicely surprised Slough Feg got 14 votes(!) and made it this far altogether. I think we all have to salute that. :kickass:

J. said:
Thing about Enslaved is that the prog dorks will vote for 'em because of the later stuff, and the black metallers will vote for 'em because of the early stuff.

Honestly, regardless of Enslaved (because granted they are very good), if it's pretentious and self absorbed, *on average* a prog fan will vote for 'it' regardless of who or what 'it' is: "ooh this is weird, I can't quite describe it, it doesn't fit any genre, it's not like the previous album....it must be good!". :loco: But it's always been this way in prog circles.

Likewise, I'd love to know what the black metal crowd would think had Enslaved never released Vikingligr Veldi. It's like their trump card. It certainly worked for me: I took my 3 Carcass albums and compared it to Vikingligr -- needless to say, Enslaved got my vote. Had Vikingligr not existed, Carcass would have taken a sweaty British fish and chip dump in Grutle's mouth and called it a day.

Now imagine if Enslaved had met Agalloch in round 1.
IMO, if Vikingligr Veldi is a 10/10, the remaining Enslaved catalog floats around the 7/10 *average* mark. (And I had been listening to latter day Enslaved well before the debut).