I must say I find the discussion about the importance of lyrics in a form of music where they are barely decipherable quite entertaining.

I appreciate good lyrics, but hardly consider them a major concern. To me music usually says infinitely more than lyrics ever could. If it doesn't, then usually it's not my kind of music....
I consider lyrics in a reviewing sense secondary. Occasionally they are of note, but for the majority of promos there are no lyrics included, they are not decipherable, and unless you leave off reviewing it for a couple of months they are not posted on the internet yet. That doesn't leave many options, and anyone that says they consider the lyrics in every review they write is either lying, or
really slow when it comes to reviewing promos. To say that someone is not a good reviewer just because you disagree on the importance of lyrics seems petty, as long as reviewers listen to the
music, give an honest and an objective (as possible) opinion, I'm more than happy if they haven't been able to get hold of the lyrics. That is of course, my opinion, and if you actually feel like sombody's reviews don't hold as much weight because they haven't considered the lyrics, then fair enough
What this thread highlights is the differing importance of lyrics to people, which is perfectly valid in all cases. I know people who listen to music they consider mediocre because it has great lyrics. I won't listen to the worst music even if it has the best lyrics I've ever heard - I'll just read the lyrics

Interesting stuff