RC March Metal Madness - Sweet 16 (Round 3)

Bracket 1
Drudkh - Blood in our Wells
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars

Bracket 2
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising

Bracket 3
Negura Bunget - N' Crugu Bradului

Bracket 4
Agalloch - The Mantle
Bracket 1
Drudkh - Blood in our Wells
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness

Bracket 2
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend

Bracket 3
Empyrium - Weiland
Enslaved - Below the Lights

Bracket 4
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Summoning - Oath Bound
Bracket 1
Drudkh - Blood in our Wells
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars

Bracket 2
Woods of Ypres - Against the Seasons
Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine (This was a real hard choice for me)

Bracket 3
Negura Bunget - N' Crugu Bradului
Enslaved - Below the Lights

Bracket 4
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Agalloch - The Mantle
Bracket 1
Drudkh - Blood in our Wells
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars

Bracket 2
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend

Bracket 3
Negura Bunget - N' Crugu Bradului
Symphony X - V: The New Mythology Suite

Bracket 4
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Summoning - Oath Bound
Bracket 1
Drudkh - Blood in our Wells
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars

Bracket 2
Woods of Ypres - Against the Seasons
Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine

Bracket 3
Negura Bunget - N' Crugu Bradului
Enslaved - Below the Lights

Bracket 4
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Agalloch - The Mantle

Wow that was 46302859x easier for me than the last one.
Bracket 1
Novembers Doom - The Pale Haunt Departure
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness

Bracket 2
Woods of Ypres - Against the Seasons
Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine

Bracket 3
Empyrium - Weiland (ohh holy fuck that was a hard choice)
Symphony X - V: The New Mythology Suite

Bracket 4
Colour Haze - Colour Haze
Agalloch - The Mantle
You Evil Bastard!

Bracket 1
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars

Bracket 2
Woods of Ypres - Against the Seasons
Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine

Bracket 3
Negura Bunget - N' Crugu Bradului
Enslaved - Below the Lights

Bracket 4
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Agalloch - The Mantle

Bracket 1
Drudkh - Blood in our Wells
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars

Bracket 2

woods of Ypres - Against the Seasons
Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine

Bracket 3
Empyrium - Weiland
Enslaved - Below the Lights

Bracket 4
Colour Haze - Colour Haze

Agalloch - The Mantle
Bracket 1
Drudkh - Blood in our Wells
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars

Bracket 2
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend

Bracket 3
Negura Bunget - N' Crugu Bradului
Enslaved - Below the Lights

Bracket 4
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Summoning - Oath Bound
Bracket 1
Drudkh - Blood in our Wells
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars

Bracket 2
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend -- Only because I've given it more time! :( Hard one.

Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend vs. Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine

Bracket 3
Negura Bunget - N' Crugu Bradului

Bracket 4
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Agalloch - The Mantle
I will be voting for Reverend Bizarre and Summoning in the next round regardless of their imminent loses.
Bracket 1
Drudkh - Blood in our Wells
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness

Bracket 2
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine

Bracket 3
Symphony X - V: The New Mythology Suite

Bracket 4
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Summoning - Oath Bound
Bracket 1
Drudkh - Blood in our Wells
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness

Bracket 2
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising

Bracket 3
Negura Bunget - N' Crugu Bradului
Enslaved - Below the Lights

Bracket 4
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Summoning - Oath Bound