JayKeeley Be still, O wand'rer! Apr 26, 2002 26,184 39 38 54 www.royalcarnage.com Apr 4, 2005 #22 Haha, Ulver is teh Saddam Hussein. [/independent]
J. Old Fart Jul 24, 2001 26,315 1,176 113 The Woodlands Apr 4, 2005 #23 "We will spread liberty, democracy, and freedom to those countries in the Gulf Coast that want to scarify the free peoples of the world. Even the blacks in South America."
"We will spread liberty, democracy, and freedom to those countries in the Gulf Coast that want to scarify the free peoples of the world. Even the blacks in South America."
NAD What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse Jun 5, 2002 38,465 1,171 113 Kandarian Ruins Apr 4, 2005 #24 hahaha haven't heard that one. Awesome. I'll bet about 17 Brazillian darkies said "w00t! w00t!" after hearing that.
hahaha haven't heard that one. Awesome. I'll bet about 17 Brazillian darkies said "w00t! w00t!" after hearing that.