RC = the place where Neverboard exiles go

markgugs said:
that's a straaaaange thread

And it was fairly typical for the time.

it was an experiment, i wanted to see if they would actually vote or not. I find it funny that they all bash me, and yet 'my pals' got 11 votes.

That made me laugh.
I still post there once in a great while and while I like some of the people alot it just totally devolves into a omg warrel can I plz drool on your codpiece thing.

very few humans are worthy of true worship.

I do remember tho when Karen/Dead Lioness posted that shot of her ass in tight black pants for Guerrilla....hilarious.
<<Demonspell (I think...)>>

I only posted there when it just opened, and I quickly bailed...I'm part of the other growing segment of the RC demographic, the Opeth/SOT refugee. Welcome back BWD (didn't figure out your identity myself, oddly enough)
lizard said:
I still post there once in a great while and while I like some of the people alot it just totally devolves into a omg warrel can I plz drool on your codpiece thing.

very few humans are worthy of true worship.

I do remember tho when Karen/Dead Lioness posted that shot of her ass in tight black pants for Guerrilla....hilarious.
someone made a 'guess who's ass' pic with i think 2 of karen and one of monkey man...im sure someone saved it.
haha I was just browsing through some old nevermore threads and found the one where Ledmag told Lord of Metal, "You're just a sticky turd with arms, trying to hang on."
lol, I found UM because of the old iced earth board that used to be on Icedearth.com. Someone posted some links directing to UM, that's how I found out about the board.

Jon got pissed at us cause we were all saying how bad he sucks and how a stupid arrogant moron he is and removed the forums.
Wait a minute why do i have to fuck off, its not like i make riduclous comments or offend people in anyway? Is it because i dont like grindcore??? Because i know how some of you are pretty fanatical.
Uh, who listens to grindcore in here besides me? Hell, I don't even listen to it anymore. I just remember you being a dick in the neverboard when you weren't even part of the community yet. So, I stand by the moose.
E-bortion said:
Uh, who listens to grindcore in here besides me? Hell, I don't even listen to it anymore. I just remember you being a dick in the neverboard when you weren't even part of the community yet. So, I stand by the moose.

I was joking. Hvae I been a dick to anyone in here?? I think not.