Re-amp test with Mesa Marv IV, Audix i5 and Chandler Germanium


Mar 8, 2009
A client i'm going to be working with this weekend wanted me to send him some re-amping examples since he didn't know about re-amping. I showed him a few examples than i decided to re-amp something fresh so he could see how it worked. I decided to use Jeff's Rose of Sharyn DI's since they are recorded and played really good. I know you guys are probably sick of hearing it but these are actually very good tracks to test reamping on. Because of that i decided i would try the i5 and the germanium pre for the sake of experimenting with something other than the already tried and used APi/57 combo.

Everything but the clean guitar was made with the i5/germanium setup. For the cleans i used an AT3035 along with the germanium. I didn't like how the i5 sounded with the clean for some reason and since i was experimenting i figured wth i'll throw a condenser on it.

No processing was done to the guitar tracks, these are all "Dry" and fresh out of the preamp. Let me know what you think!

Rose of Sharyn - Reamp TEST
I will give you a completely honest opinion. It sounds like crap. What cab? Or is it the combo speaker? Either way, I'm just sorry, it sounds like it was run through a speaker housed in a tiny cardboard box. It's dull, lifeless, and honky.

When I had the combo version, it sounded exactly like this recorded.
I will give you a completely honest opinion. It sounds like crap. What cab? Or is it the combo speaker? Either way, I'm just sorry, it sounds like it was run through a speaker housed in a tiny cardboard box. It's dull, lifeless, and honky.

When I had the combo version, it sounded exactly like this recorded.

Thanks for the honest opinion, its the only reason i would post something on here in the first place. It was indeed the combo speaker, i didn't really feel like doing anything complex for just a test that wasn't going to be used for anything. This was after all for the sake of experimenting, the guy actually liked it lol. I thought it wasn't half bad, definitely needs more definition, perhaps with some EQ i could get it to sound better.

Anyhow, all constructive criticism is welcome.
I just listened to this and to be honest it isn't really all the bad it is a little thin sounding but i am sure if you dual mic'd this and fucked with the mic placement more you would get a better result. And also you can't ever go wrong with a api for guitar's :). But this really is not that bad.
The more i play around with the i5, the less i like it on guitars. Another factor to consider is the amp was relatively low in volume, i forgot to mention that. Master was on 4 and output on 2, i usually have it much louder than that. I might try this same test with a typical 57/421, then again this whole experience was to try something different than i would normally do. Its kind of hard to beat the 57, maybe i could try a ribbon with it. I still have yet to try a ribbon on a loud guitar cab, i'm always afraid i'll break it lol.
I will try that next time, i don't have a 4x12 here (all the big cabs are at the studio, i'd love to have one here but i doubt the neighbors would appreciate that :lol:) but i do have a 2x12 i can definitely hook up to try with. This whole test got me curious and i think i'm gonna go ahead and try a 57/ribbon mic setup and see if i can blend both to get something better.
YES! This sounds A LOT better. It's getting fatter, tighter, and more aggressive, yet smoother all at once. It makes everything sound completely different. The drums sound like a different set when comparing the clips. Whatever you did, keep going in that direction.

It's still got a little of the "im a speaker in a rather small box and im struggling to get out!" kind of midrange, but nowhere near as much as the 1st clip. What speakers are in the 2x12 if you know?
You definitely don't need a 4x12 to make it sound huge, but that speaker sounds like ass for this kind of music. The speaker is literally 70% of the tone, so try out different things.

Get that damn 750hz slider down to near nothing. It sounds way too "vocal" in the midrange.
You definitely don't need a 4x12 to make it sound huge, but that speaker sounds like ass for this kind of music. The speaker is literally 70% of the tone, so try out different things.

What speaker do you like with your mark iv?
You definitely don't need a 4x12 to make it sound huge, but that speaker sounds like ass for this kind of music. The speaker is literally 70% of the tone, so try out different things.

Get that damn 750hz slider down to near nothing. It sounds way too "vocal" in the midrange.

750 slider is already practically all the way down. This i already knew, and yes i've never really liked the G12T speaker that much which is why i didn't go for it from the start. Combo speaker is the standard C90, maybe i should try sticking that one in the cab.
It's no terrible I think it has a potential.
Blend AT with some 57/i5 or something and try to set mic more on the left/right because I think it has too much highs.
I would love to mess around with Germanium :D
I may be in the minority here, but I actually like the first example better. It's tighter sounding, and more focused. The second sample has more bass and sounds more scooped, but I feel like I would be able to do a better job mixing the first one. it has more room underneath it for the bass track IMO.