Re-amping, again


Jun 11, 2010
Belfast, N.Ireland
Hey, ive been lurking around this forum for a while now and have learnt an awful lot from all the avid posters, and i cant thank you all enough, but recently the one thing thats been buggin me about a recording is re-amping, now i have read the "Preparing for re-amping" sticky which was a great help, for the first step, though i am confused,

basically a friend of mine from half way around the world has sent me a track to mix with DId guitars, now not having a decent reamping software, im going to use my amp and mic it, but when i tried this earlier by sending the DI signal out of the interface i just kept getting feedback, coming from the amp, not my monitors or phones,

what i did was send the signal out of an aux, into the amp, and mic'ed the amp, how can i avoid getting the feedback?, because when i turned the mic level down, the signal coming from the amp sounded fine, but turn the mic level up and feedback again due to the mic inputting to the interface thats outputing the signal, am i completely missing something or what?

any help would be hugely appreciated, or if there is a thread i missed on the subject that covers the feedback issue of reamping please point me in that direction, as ive been searching the forum all morning,
thanks again,
yeah, sorry i shouldve been more clear about everything, the feedback is due to the mic recording into the interface that is putting out the DI signal, how would i go about reamping without getting feedback,? whats the standard signal chain people use for this? ive never successfully done it before
^^^ You're creating a loop. Amps makes sound, mic picks it up, which gets sent to the amp, which mic picks up. Eventually your mind will implode. :(
The problem is because you are feeding the mic signal back out into the amp!

I'm assuming you only have a interface with 2 outputs?
Pan your DI left and everything else right, use the left output to feed the amp.
Do you have another output? I basically set my interface to have Mix go to outputs 1 & 2 which all playing tracks and inputs go to. REAMP Comes out of 3 which is completely independent.
I'm assuming you only have a interface with 2 outputs?
Pan your DI left and everything else right, use the left output to feed the amp.

yes this must be the problem, i realised that it is creating a loop because what the mic picks up is goin back to the amp due to my output limitations, im currently stuck using aN alesis multimix 8 USB, been saving to upgrade, have to make sure i get one more outs, when i do, looks like im stuck without (physical)reamping capabilities with this one, just glad it was a friend of mine that revealed the falw in my setup rather than a client or something, that wouldve been embarassing, thanks guys
i acctually did a bit more experimentation there to try and find if it was impossible to do this with my interface and it turns out its not :grin::grin::grin: probably no one cares but here it is, im its quite makeshift,

i orignally had my monitors, set up in the main mix L+R outs, but changed them to Control room outs, as the main mix knob needed to be turned up for any kind of mic signal to be recorded when i had the monitors pugged into the main mix outputs (this is what was causeing the feedback) with the monitors in the ctrl room outs, the main mix knob does not need to be turned up for the interface to recieve signal,

i then, took a cable from my headphone 1/4" to my amp and turned off my monitors, turned up my headphone volume, (ill probably have to switch everything back to monitor mic position) turned up my mic level and hey presto, no feedback, and it sounded just as if i was playing, fantastic,

thanks again for the posts guys prob wouldnt have thought of changing outputs if it wasnt for those :D:D:D:D im a happy bunny now