Re-importing vocals to cubase project - Slower speed


Apr 17, 2009
The vocals in my session are all recorded at 24 bit 44.1k, i've tried exporting 32 bit (float) which is what I normally export and also exporting at 24 bit and then re-importing again to the same project but the re-imported vocals (all on one track) are out of time and sped up slightly?

There are musical modes on the playback tracks which I have turned off.

Sample rate is the same 44.1KHz.

Note: I am running melodyne on the bus which exports these vocal tracks but I haven't changed any tempo settings

The reason i'm exporting in the first place is to take the melodyned vocals into a new project file to save some memory.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Shouldn't there be a prompt asking you to convert bitrate when you import?

Are you exporting the tracks then importing them manually, or ticking the "bounce to track" box?