Read this: about the new album


the webmistress
So the promo's have been shipped and obviously the album is already available on the net, in newsgroups or P2P channels. We can't stop people from downloading the album, however discussing the album before it's actual release date on the official forum is very disrespectful towards the band. That's why we ask you not to share information of illegal downloading here.
thank you.
i agree.... me, of all people.. :lol: king of FTP bootlegs.... but if you all DO download the cd (like i did), BUY IT! i plan on buying it the first day it is out. i even plan on preordering it as soon as i find a place to preorder it.
:headbang: to Nevermore
:headbang: to their good-natured fans (see me exclude the bad ones)
and :headbang: to wendy
Yeah, as I've posted before - I'd buy the album even if it sucked just because the band has been a favorite for so long. I always get the new one's before the release...the last 3 Opeth, the last In Flames, Soilwork, etc. But I always go to and place my advance order for it because I have been in a band, and try to show respect to musicians for their art. Its not like I'm going to force myself to not listen to it when I know how to get it. I actually think the web has helped underground music, because I download whatever I can find, and then end up buying these cd's I would have never known about if I didn't have the chance to preview them first.
The 'warez' version sounds as if someone was handed a 96kbps version, and re-ripped it into 192kbps (the "industry standard"). The production sounds very flat and blurry on the 'net' version. Perhaps they nerfed the promos? (It still sounded better than St. Anger, though... so you never know)

I suspect the CD will sound better - which should be reason enough for everyone to both wait for its release before listening to it, and for actually buying it. :eek:)

You are actually talking about how the version you downloaded sounds in the same thread where Wendy has asked that EoR not be discussed?! Jeez, no respect. I really don't understand why people download it; it ruins the excitement of receiving a cd and listening to it for the first time. I understand that you might be worried if you'll like it or not, but come on, it's Nevermore. Do what you want to, but I am waiting to order the cd, place it in my player, and feel the sheer adrenaline as I hear the music for the first time and know that my money was put to good use.
If they want to download it, Wendy can't do anything about it. He was giving reasons NOT to get it, so just calm down and let him be.
Hey, don't you tell me what to do!!!!!!!!! Lord of Metal ANGGRRRYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmm....excuse me, I mean, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it seem as if I was being serious. If he wishes to discuss it, that is fine with me, I was just stating that I don't understand why you would ruin the exhilarating experience of receiving a new cd and listening to it by downloading the full album.
NoLordy Capone said:
If they want to download it, Wendy can't do anything about it. He was giving reasons NOT to get it, so just calm down and let him be.

Of course I can't do anything about it, nor is it my job to. However, I can ask people not to discuss downloading it on this forum, I think that is a fair request.
Lord of Metal said:
You are actually talking about how the version you downloaded sounds in the same thread where Wendy has asked that EoR not be discussed?! Jeez, no respect. I really don't understand why people download it; it ruins the excitement of receiving a cd and listening to it for the first time. I understand that you might be worried if you'll like it or not, but come on, it's Nevermore. Do what you want to, but I am waiting to order the cd, place it in my player, and feel the sheer adrenaline as I hear the music for the first time and know that my money was put to good use.
i download because i used to have the same sentiments about megadeth, sepultura, anthrax, etc. no band is above making crappy albums.
Well, just wait for the reviews then. If they are overall good, then the album is most likely good. If they are overall bad, then the album is most likely bad. about this....listen to it because they are your favorite band and you just can't wait, then listen to the nice finished product after you buy it, rejoicing over how much better the quality is over the crappy mp3 version you had been listening to....
Nope, still a bad idea, because when you receive the cd, you won't be that excited, because you have already heard the music contained on it. Sorry for the run on sentence.

thats a pretty cool shirt. i guess maybe its a new one.
whats the deal with the 7?

i respect the band to not talk about the album here, which i have heard. everyone should buy it as they won't be disappointed.
i sure as fuck am gonna buy it, no doubt about that. i'm gonna buy it
the day it comes out and i'm gonna hound the fuck outta the guy
at the store to get it first day. yah :headbang:
can't wait for the tour.

personally i think the internet is good for the underground metal
world as it is a way for ppl to hear shit. i wouldn't have heard so many bands if there was no internet.

anyway, i'm done.
my music tastes would be piss poor today without the internet... but just telling where to download, thats not cool, it takes the art out of the whole pirating lifestyle!!.... if you want it, well by golly, go out and find it yourself!
If the music is fuckin good is not necessary fear from the musicians, the art will be sold.
The internet is the fear for the people that make music like their ass.
Nevermore don´t be afraid we have Re$pect about you!
Isn't this censorship on some level?
Isn't that what Nevermore are against?
Isn't the system failing?
Censorship? Well, yes.

But, it's fair because some people honestly WON'T go buy it because they can just download it. That's why the mainstream companies release faulty... excuse me, "PROTECTED" CDs, sadly. (There are several lawsuits pending in the US over those CDs being faulty merchandise.)