Read this: about the new album

Unregistered said:
Isn't this censorship on some level?
Isn't that what Nevermore are against?
Isn't the system failing?

Censorship, I don't agree. It's a simple request of common courtesy ... after all it's still the Nevermore forum and it's not cool to be reading about illegal downloading on your own forum. That's just disrespectful.
The 7 comes from the song, "Create the Infinte." It deals with the question of God's existence, and if so, if he created the earth. And if he did, and he rested on the 7th day, maybe that's what fucked everything up.
Lord of Metal said:
Well, just wait for the reviews then. If they are overall good, then the album is most likely good. If they are overall bad, then the album is most likely bad.
no, reviews are mostly worthless. they almost always reflect the listening biases of the reviewer and do very little to describe the actual music. mp3s aren't the future of metal, they are the now. even nevermore themselves use mp3s as promotional material.
I usually agree with most reviews I read. I would also go further into the reasoning of why reviews can help you decide whether a cd is good or not, but I don't have time. I just want to say something else, and that is that yes, mp3s are great. All I was saying, is that I feel if you are going to buy the cd, then you shouldn't download the full album because it ruins the excitement of receiving a new cd.
CD buying is still exciting for me, even when i listen to mp3s for a long time beforehand. Reason 1- much better sound quality, 2- the artwork and packaging.

and then a few other reasons to.. supporting the artist, yada yada, and it looks great having another cd on the shelf.

as for reviews... I typically don't read them, there's no better review than just downloading and deciding for myself.... but sometimes they come in handy for deciding if something is a style I'm interested in
I meant just being excited about the music itself, not the quality, or the artwork and packaging. :lol: Man, I read reviews for every cd that I am thinking to buy, unless it is by a band that I already own a lot of cds by.
Lord of Metal said:
I usually agree with most reviews I read. I would also go further into the reasoning of why reviews can help you decide whether a cd is good or not, but I don't have time. I just want to say something else, and that is that yes, mp3s are great. All I was saying, is that I feel if you are going to buy the cd, then you shouldn't download the full album because it ruins the excitement of receiving a new cd.

^ what he said
Well, I had Dead Heart quite a while before it came out, & it only made me anticipate the album even more, & when I bought the CD the day it came out, I listened to it nonstop for about a week! :lol: And, then when I bought the import "box" set with the bonus tracks, you guessed it, another solid week of listening almost exclusively to DHiaDW. Having the MP3s prior to the release had NO effect on my anticipation of its release, or my excitement when first ripping off the shrinkwrap, & peeling off that damn top sticker. :Spin: I will respect Wendy's wishes, however, in regards to EoR.


I'll just wait until the release date, thanks. Nothing beats going to the cd store when a personal favorite releases an album....Should be awesome.

"Well, I had Dead Heart quite a while before it came out, & it only made me anticipate the album even more, & when I bought the CD the day it came out, I listened to it nonstop for about a week! :lol: And, then when I bought the import "box" set with the bonus tracks, you guessed it, another solid week of listening almost exclusively to DHiaDW. Having the MP3s prior to the release had NO effect on my anticipation of its release, or my excitement when first ripping off the shrinkwrap, & peeling off that damn top sticker. :Spin: I will respect Wendy's wishes, however, in regards to EoR."

Hmmm.....I wish it worked that way for me, but downloading it pretty much ruins the excitement for me. I am going to buy it from theendrecords when they get it in, because that is the only place I buy cds from. The cd store in my town doesn't carry anything, and when I say anything, I mean that they don't even carry Dream Theater.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
i agree.... me, of all people.. :lol: king of FTP bootlegs.... but if you all DO download the cd (like i did), BUY IT! i plan on buying it the first day it is out. i even plan on preordering it as soon as i find a place to preorder it.
!:rock: to Nevermore
!:rock: to their good-natured fans (see me exclude the bad ones)
and !:rock: to wendy

BTW man, what ever happened to the FTP? I can never connect any longer.

the 7 i beleave is the logo for the club stuido 7 in seattle that his close friend tracy ownes i have been to the club its a cool place
the band kics fucking ass
and having heard live songs from the new cd this fucking shit rocks
Raven said:
I explained the "7" on the first page of this thread. But if you were just stating your opinion, I apologize.
raven i was just on the web site go and look please the 7 tha he has is the same not trying to say i know every thing the 7 just looked the same sorry .........lumpy