Before you post about the album leak - read this!!!

It's just a bit strange to be moderator and tell us what to do and not to do and be totally anonimous, not interact at all. I mean, he/she is part of the forum and it's a simple matter of good manners/politeness to make oneself known.
It's just a bit strange to be moderator and tell us what to do and not to do and be totally anonimous, not interact at all. I mean, he/she is part of the forum and it's a simple matter of good manners/politeness to make oneself known.

I actually preffer not to "know" the mod.
Its worse to have a mod that you dont agree with that takes part in every discussion, especially if hes an idiot.
I say keep a low profile so I dont get to form an opinion about him.
damn, this sucks the new album leaked, so has everyone elses... amon amarth and metallica that is.

and i agree with qth, it makes the mod totally unbiased also
You have a point there.

But then it somehow kind of bothers me in a way that someone who is never here, never contributes, only comes around every so many months to tell us we can't do this or that. Gives me a bit of a 'who the fuck are you to tell me what i can or cannot do, i don't even know you' feeling, if you know what i mean..
You have a point there.

But then it somehow kind of bothers me in a way that someone who is never here, never contributes, only comes around every so many months to tell us we can't do this or that. Gives me a bit of a 'who the fuck are you to tell me what i can or cannot do, i don't even know you' feeling, if you know what i mean..

I'm okay with the whole not talking about the album-business but you definitely have a bit of a point here.
You have a point there.

But then it somehow kind of bothers me in a way that someone who is never here, never contributes, only comes around every so many months to tell us we can't do this or that. Gives me a bit of a 'who the fuck are you to tell me what i can or cannot do, i don't even know you' feeling, if you know what i mean..

My work as a Bloodbath moderator is to restore order in this forum. If you don't see me come around much, that means the status is green.

Meanwhile, I'm not here to hang out, make myself a profile and to contribute (neither positively or negatively) in any of your discussions, but with one exception: The rules set in the sticky thread or any direct requests from the webmaster, the UM staff or the bandmembers.

Please just remember to accept the rules instead of questioning them (for they are not up for negotiation) and this place is all yours....

Carry on!
Thanks, I'm fine with the rules and I like the fact that there is hardly any intervention. I just don't see why you would not say "hi, my name is ... and i'm the moderator, cheers!".

But OK, just my 2 cents, no problemo, I will accept and shut up about it now ;)
I think this thread is hurting the cause more than anything. I mean, I at least had no idea it was leaked until this moderator told me, hahaha. Though I guess eventually some idiot would have posted about it (if they hadn't already and I missed it). I of course will be buying the Fathomless Mastery as I have bought every other Bloodbath cd upon release. Gotta support the band to show them we want their asses in our country! (I wish :( )
I think this thread is hurting the cause more than anything. I mean, I at least had no idea it was leaked until this moderator told me, hahaha. Though I guess eventually some idiot would have posted about it (if they hadn't already and I missed it). I of course will be buying the Fathomless Mastery as I have bought every other Bloodbath cd upon release. Gotta support the band to show them we want their asses in our country! (I wish :( )

i had no idea it leaked until i saw this thread either :lol:
I still say it's fine the moderator doesn't come around. It's more a job to him/her than a social event, and the purpose of a mod is to keep order. You can't do that as well if you're in immediate contact with everyone and have good/bad history with each person.

I won't lie, I had no idea at all the album had leaked either until I read this thread... I was hoping for once the album could be kept under wraps, but there are too many assholes in the industry that like to disrupt the flow of business. Probably some nobody at the presses that feels special because he can get ahold of it first. Or if there is a promo sent to magazines or whatever it could be there too. *shakes head*

It'll still be on my pre-order list regardless
Well, if it wasnt for this thread there would have been 5 others to hint you about the leak, so it really doesnt matter.
Sure, BBMod can delete every damn thread about it, but there would just pop up new ones, just much more work with not much gain.
Since the album shipped today from Peaceville and will reach some people tomorrow and most of the others in the next days, I hereby declare green light to openly discuss the new album. Feel free to review it, make polls about it, basically discuss it in any way you want. Just follow the rules, common sense and make sure to watch your tounge when it comes to the illegal download topic and you will be alright.