The Fathomless Mastery Reviews - What do you think about it?

Good expression, good use of language and a good approach to writing the review in terms of structure? There's some talent on metal archives for sure, it's only the music tastes that need to be adjusted.

That is writing talent then, not talented opinion-saying.
And contextual knowledge doesn't have anything to do with talent, it is...knowledge ;)
yes:lol:I meant that one should speak of writing talent as opposed to opinion-stating talent BECAUSE the writing is the expression of the opinion. You know? Nit-pickiness on my part.

If you're good at writing and expressing your feelings then you're a talented writer, if that's writing about music, then he's a talented reviewer.

I've read some of Stefan's reviews, the structure and expression is excellent, but some of the opinions have a bad ass imo :)

If you're good at writing and expressing your feelings then you're a talented writer, if that's writing about music, then he's a talented reviewer.

I've read some of Stefan's reviews, the structure and expression is excellent, but some of the opinions have a bad ass imo :)

Thank you on both accounts sir :cool: Some of the reviews are old so I should delete them and replace them with more melodeth bashing.
TFM was very dissapointing for me. UTP was far better. Until NMF, Bloodbath had no filler songs and some of them are very memorable. UTP was good, but lacked on the usual past catchiness...TFM lacks of it even more.

Mike's vocals here were the most aggresive ones that I heard from him. I'm glad he can growl with more brutality here than Opeth, where I think his growling there lacks a little of attitude and fury. Technically the album is excellent, but it's the songwriting where I see the major problem. The lack of memorable tunes is the worst aspect an example, the most memorable riff for me was the Mock The Cross intro, and I can remember it cause it remembers me to Where the Slime Live.

For the ones who knew bloodbath long time ago with Breeding Death maybe this won't like it. For new death metal listeners, I can't see any problem with this album.

Score? 7.5
^2nd riff in the album is possible their best ever
it makes me wanna smash my skull on a brick

am i the only one who thinks human mirror is in some way bathe in blood#2? not as a bad thing, i fucking love this song better than batrhe tbh
Just loved Hades Rising.

"Kingdoms quake
Mountains move
Skies collapse
Sulphur descending
The father
Son and the holy ghost
Tridents penetrate
Steel and flesh conjugate"