real drums ( no slate) ETID style


Jun 25, 2008


-snare top - i5
-snare bottom - 57
-kick - 57
-tom1 - 604
-tom2 - 604
-OH's nt5
-stereo room - ST79/at4040
-mono room - 609
-hat sm7b

guitars haven't been re-amped yet and the vocal mic is st79

what do you guys think, i am going for a really natural big really vibey southern sound

edit: shit i noticed a glitch in the cymbals, i gotta fix that
Mix sounds great dude - drums especially. The overall mix is nice and open sounding.

Just tame that hi hat a bit, and maybe make the snare crack a tiny bit more, but those are my only suggestions.

Sweet stuff as usual.

I think your definately on the right track man! Very good mix. Did u blend the snare with samples you took at all? Seems like you avoided too much OH bleed in the snare mic which is something i havent been able to do yet. I think it sounds great man none the less, definately getting that southern feel!

Reamped guitars sound great man. Listening again to the drums, i feel like the cymbals feel really wide in the mix. Might just be me but they seem wider than the guitars?

Yea the the overheads seem really wide and maybe a touch to loud as well. The skins sound amazing though and the guitar tone is BUTTER BABY!!!! :worship:

Great mix
Sounds sweet. Love the snare!

But I'll admit, I'm confused by the last few replies: Are we hearing samples of the drummer's kit being played back, or is this not augmented by samples at all?
its sampled all the way but its the drummers actuall kit so no slate or whatev all pay at the pumps actual drums :D
I hear something weird at :13-:14, it sounds like a crackle but I think it might be the vocalist? I agree with Bobby that the snare could use a little more crack.. maybe just some top end EQ or a transient designer would do it I think.

Overall I think the mix could use just a touch more top end (maybe like 3dB) I am listening on IEMs cause it's late though.
sounds amazing bro!!!!
OH maybe a little to high in volume, but thats just personal taste.

And bro, you have some free mastering for the reamps you did!!!!
If you want I could give this song a try with my new baby slate fg-x :D

pm me if you want
Ryan this mix is excellent! I just have a suggestion, its personal preference though, probably for example in the breakdown at like 01:29 inject moar room on teh drums to actually make them punch more and give much more vibe to the mix mainly in that part for example, its personal though but I'd like to hear how would that turn out, everything sounds excelnt dude, congratz!