real drums ( no slate) ETID style

Ryan that kick sounds SOO good.
Can't believe it's a 57.

Not to mention the mix is fantastic too.

What's the band?
cool snare sound, dude.

kick sounds pretty sweet too, but definitely too loud.

I say turn the kick down, and bring the guitars and vocals up more. they're too quiet compared to the drums right now.
hahah alright i am working on that, i gotta edit a few more tracks then this ep will be done, i am gonna be throwing shit out so fast at you guys ;D
Could use a bit more bass, and I agree with the vocals being a bit too in your face, but otherwise sounds so good. Like everyone else, I am in love with the snare.
Is that kick really just a 57?
I praise you for this! Drums sound amazing and fit perfectly for this mix. The guitars sound a little sloppy but i think it gives that raw vibe that you may have bin going for.

Amazing. :worship:

Last vocal glitch was cool too
Dude, this latest mix sounds killer, loving the guitar tones, i do agree on the kick being abit loud, but this mix has got some balls!

nice work!
i'm still in disbelief over that kick being a 57. you most have so much post processing going on there. too present in the mix for my tastes but it sounds great. so fucking punchy. i don't need to tell you that snare rules, either.
Daamn great work man, that snare is savage! Loving the kick too, SO punchy! Maybe a hair quieter and it'd be perfect I think. The whole mix sounds nice and open, not cluttered or muddy or anything, everything seems to have its place. I think it could do with a little more bass, but that's just me. Awesome work dude.
I suggest you mix the cymbals at the end without compression on them since they pump in a very odd way at some times. The guitars are really glued in the stereo image, in fact they barely move at all. Actually, none of the stereo image seems like it is moving whatsoever. It feels like it's fighting to get upfront insted of punching together and the bass content stays the same troughout the song wich gives the song another ounce of static feel. You can clearly hear all the clarity coming back at that last second where the cymbal finally gets a second to breathe out of the compression. Everything seems like it was perfectly well tracked, but the mix is really static and wimpy, no comments about how you managed to make those cymbals sound so parasitic.