real drums!


May 3, 2004
just wanted to share this, i dont get many chances to record acoustic drums but i thought this session came out kind of cool so far
"inalc drumtest"

kick and snare are replaced 100%, toms arent triggered. kit was a pretty nice DW. I think my overhead placement might have been poor, the hihat sounds strange to me and the crash to the right might sound kinda phasey or something? i dont know... any drum micing pros wana shoot me some tips? when i placed the overheads i tried to make them equidistant from the snare, but the right crash was a little higher than the left one which made it closer to the mic and might have caused the washey sound of it
What a great guitar sound !

How did you get that ? I want to know EVERYTHING !!!!

Hardware ? Compression ? EQ ? Quad or Dual ?????


(just kidding)
The tone sounds Extremely whitechapel ish, fucking awesome and dude your abacabb mix is amazing, that band is insane live
Yea i used to do the same thing you did with overheads, for some reason i did not like the results either. Now i just mic cymbals and not worry so much about the snare being perfectly centered.

Now I must say that guitar tone is SICK! Them guitar tracks impulses with a 5150 and curve eq?
Yea i used to do the same thing you did with overheads, for some reason i did not like the results either. Now i just mic cymbals and not worry so much about the snare being perfectly centered.

Now I must say that guitar tone is SICK! Them guitar tracks impulses with a 5150 and curve eq?

I don't try to center the kit either anymore. Getting the cymbals captured well is the main priority now, most of the kit gets knocked out in the OH anyhow.
Anyhow back to the topic. The hats do sound a bit weird to me as well man. I don't find the R crash to be phasey, I just don't care for the tone of it at all. Sounds like the drummer favored it :lol:.

Guitar tone is killer.

Bass tone is good as well, not as snarly as I prefer personally but still really good.
glad you guys like! the guitars are my 6505+ with guitarhacks between setting and a little eq to cut some fizz and stuff with high/low passes, quadtracked with one pair of doubles like 3db lower

snare sample is 4z1 from slate samples
I'm impressed...
Guitar Sound is a KILLER
I know Peavey sound but please tell Us some more about :
-How mony guitar tracks (doubles?)
-How many mics on Cabinet?
-Some compression , limiter on master section?
-Did U Group all U guitar tracks?

Thanks for respond


Ps. I' heard Your other stuff and I have to say ...U Rock dude !
but... I cant believe that is "in the box" mix!?!
What kind Of interface U have?

just wanted to share this, i dont get many chances to record acoustic drums but i thought this session came out kind of cool so far
"inalc drumtest"

kick and snare are replaced 100%, toms arent triggered. kit was a pretty nice DW. I think my overhead placement might have been poor, the hihat sounds strange to me and the crash to the right might sound kinda phasey or something? i dont know... any drum micing pros wana shoot me some tips? when i placed the overheads i tried to make them equidistant from the snare, but the right crash was a little higher than the left one which made it closer to the mic and might have caused the washey sound of it

Sup man,
I'm not really familar on these impulse tech's, got some guitarhacks on my mac but never used as not looked into it yet. So hows it done, you just put them into space designer (or any impules simulator for that fact) after you've recorded your guitar tracks down??
Cool stuff!

one thing, i think the drums can come up a bit, especially the kick drum to really punch through the mix a bit.
Chuck you already have perfect guitar tone why would you need impulses. hahaha seriously dude your shit is crushing.

s34nsm411 can you post your eq settings for that guitar tone. good lord its so heavy
yeah thats the gist of it, just apply the impulse to the preamp signal of whatever amp

Sup man,
I'm not really familar on these impulse tech's, got some guitarhacks on my mac but never used as not looked into it yet. So hows it done, you just put them into space designer (or any impules simulator for that fact) after you've recorded your guitar tracks down??

settings were:
lead channel
gain 6.5
low 7
mid 4.5
high 6
res 7
pres 5.5

two tracks each side, one of the L/R pairs about 3db lower

no mics, just impulses. but just one impulse (i used guitarhack between for all)

no compression, and yeah the master is squashed to hell :headbang:

i fed all the guitar tracks into one guitar bus with my eq and stuff on it. upon looking at it again i actually did use curveeq and matched it to whitechapel i think. i also used a few instances of sonnox eq to shape it after that

I'm impressed...
Guitar Sound is a KILLER
I know Peavey sound but please tell Us some more about :
-How mony guitar tracks (doubles?)
-How many mics on Cabinet?
-Some compression , limiter on master section?
-Did U Group all U guitar tracks?

Thanks for respond


Ps. I' heard Your other stuff and I have to say ...U Rock dude !
but... I cant believe that is "in the box" mix!?!
What kind Of interface U have?

did you use a multiband comp on the drums bus or on the complete group?

I never get "fat" sounding drums, if I just replace kick/snare with samples. I still need multiband/a lot of compression. and then compression on the master again. I just wanna know if I`m doing something wrong or if this is a normal signal path!? thx