REAL ESTATE. i.e: How did you guys find a place to set up shop?!


Nov 17, 2008
I'm curious as to everyones story regarding the logistics of creating a good drum room.

Generous parents with a sizable house? perhaps you live in rural Louisianna??

here in Boston, finding a place to record drums that will:

A. sound good
B. not cost thousands of dollars a month
C. not derive neighbor complaints

is extremely difficult. As it is, bands will pay 4 or 5hundred bucks a month or more for a garage-sized practice space that is nothing more than a cell, out of hundreds of other cells, packed into a warehouse... and those are useless cause they're not only small and cubic (usually) but also have tons of unpredictable bleed from the neighboring bands/rooms.

since everything is so dense around here, it's virtually impossible to find a home (as in apartment, townhouse, etc.) where it's possible to play drums EVER, let alone in a good sounding room and on a work-able schedule.

Currently I live in the first floor of a two family house about eight miles from downtown, literally on the city-limits line, basically in a suburban neighborhood. It's on a corner, so the proximity to all the neighboring houses is pretty far, and apart from the upstairs tenants (friends of ours) the ability to bang on drums in the basement downstairs during reasonable hours doesn't seem to bother anyone at all. The only downside is, again, the basement provides only two small... low ceilinged...cubic rooms.

So any city slickers out there have any fancy advice?

ALSO- has anyone every hired the assistance of a professional acoustics guy?? Or is EVERYONE on here DIY with treating their rooms? if i were to stay in my current house I would want a professional to come check the place out and see what our options are as far as not only sealing the place from outside but also deadening the inside, since ambience won't ever be an option in such a small space.

On the other hand...

I have a buddy in providence RI (only about 45 minutes away) who has some cheap ghetto-of-providence warehouse spaced rented out. BUT, he has twelve roomies in there, they each pay a hundred bucks a month, (total rent=$1200) and they also live there full-time... despite the lack of a fully functioning bathroom. The neighborly noise complaint factor is a non-issue because it's a giant isolated abandoned factory, i can afford to pay the kids that live there since they won't ask much, and there's endless space and 25+ foot high ceilings (looks kinda like brian hoods new room) so that's my most viable option right now, if we can work out something reliable enough that'll also work with his roomies.

I've been dealing with this for the last five years and am just curious to how all of you have dealt with similar issues. I'm always craving a better room and the ever-unattainable freedom of being able to bang on a drumkit or jam at any hour without the worry of bothering anyone.
This was a big problem with a few bands that I was previously in.

The one band, we moved around a lot. Bassists father had a studio (empty) which we set up in and jammed for a bit, moved to his fathers garage, neighbors bitched, practiced in our drummers tiny-as-fuck bedroom for a while, parents bitched, even moved into a cheap house $500/mo, falling apart OLD fucking farmhouse from 1838, literally, jammed the fuck out of that place...neighbors was rough. My latest band has a shed/garage with a kerosene heater in it and it has treated us well.....cops showed twice, but we jammed WAYYY late.

I wish I could be of some assistance, man. I've searched for other places but there always seems to be some kind of drawback. If you can afford the cheap rent at your buds place with 12 roomies and no good bathroom, go for it! If music is your goal and you can work around obstacles to reach your goal, by any means go for it. I currently shack up in a fucking camper in my parents back yard. Yes, a camper. It's cheap as fuck and it's all I really need to survive. Redneck as hell and, considering my age, it's kind of embarrassing, but I dont care. Of course, I can't track bands there or have practice, but I get by for the time being until my woman is done with school. Then hopefully we get a huge house and I can have my music rooms and FINALLY start building a studio. :)

Best of luck bro.
Broken/shite warehouses in industrial estates are good for renting out, s'what we used to do for a place to practice, as for recording that could be a different story, you could probably rent one for cheap though and see how it pans out
hah! thanks bryan, better keep that woman pleased, sounds like a good deal you've got there:cool:

maybe i'm too obsessed with the idea of a big high ceilinged room. i should take pics of the two semi-finished rooms in my basement, the house is really ideal for recording/jamming and holds a lot of potential if i worked on it, i just don't wanna invest in a place i'm renting at, yanno?
Broken/shite warehouses in industrial estates are good for renting out, s'what we used to do for a place to practice, as for recording that could be a different story, you could probably rent one for cheap though and see how it pans out

how does one go about locating such places?? i can't imagine craigslist real estate is too rich in near-worthless industrial space o_0
haha yeah man, shes gonna be a Dr. in Psychology in about 3 years. My living situation kinda sucks but I get by.

A friends band had a warehouse they were renting/sharing a jam space in, and ...god....I wouldn't let my gear in there overnight, that's for sure.

I'd say Craigslist, newspapers, ask around....maybe try to find a real estate agent or office and just keep your eyes peeled.
I can't answer how we got it since it was our drummer that found it, but for sure dont leave you're stuff in there overnight unless you plan on wrapping it in a buggerload of blankets and stuff.
you're best bet (I think) would probably be to go over to one of them and ask one of the guys that owns the warehouse if there's any he's not using or aren't gonna be used for a couple of months.
Security seems to be ok for our stuff, but we live in a pretty small place where all countryfolk know each other and share sugar over the fence :lol: but yes security for our stuff has been fine, one of my amps is still in there and hasnt been moved in about 3 years
Abandoned Schools rock balls for practice space... and you could record in the auditorium... probably alot harder to come by in Boston but that's what one of my old bands had in GA..
