Real Or Fake?

I have seen these to. He seems to have an unlimited supply of them :u-huh:

My guess is that he is copying them himself..they are always new but not sealed...
The CDs are real, this album was put out through a Canadian label Utopian Vision Music, and I am sure that this guy must get them directly from them or he works for them, or something similar, since they are both in Canada.
At the time that was released, not all CDs were sealed regularly. And yeah, my copy is from the same label (but not from this ebay-account). Can´t explain why the seller has so many, though..
Ok guys...I received a few emails regarding whether or not this cd is a fake or the real deal.Yes I am the eBay seller who sells this cd.I get my copies from Ed Balog...the head of UTOPIAN VISION MUSIC.This is the label that released this fine cd.All of my items are true and authentic.So to shed some light on this topic....YES THIS IS THE REAL THING...NOT A COPY.:rock: