Really Fun Albums


Jan 16, 2007
You know what I mean. They can be cheesy or legitimately awesome, it doesn't matter- just albums that put a huge grin on your face.

Note: I don't mean FUNNY, I mean FUN. It's fine if it's a little goofy as well (this being a metal forum and all) but this isn't a thread for albums that are just stupid and lolworthy, it's for stuff that you actually enjoy.

Amon Amarth's last two, Crush The Insects, and Anaal Nathrakh's latest fall into this category for me, for example.
Weird request. Hmm...

Suicidal Tendencies - Self-Titled
Municipal Waste - The Art of Partying
Annihilator - Alice In Hell

I dunno...
Pretty much anything off Razorback Records. I HATED Ghoul's most recent album, though. Perfect example of when cheesiness overrides quality.
Pretty much anything off Razorback Records. I HATED Ghoul's most recent album, though. Perfect example of when cheesiness overrides quality.

Yeah. Splatterthrash was a huge letdown after the awesomeness of Maniaxe. But yeah, Razorback has a lot of fun bands, another one of my favorites being Bloodfreak.

howudoin1861 said:
Suicidal Tendencies - Self-Titled

Don't forget Lights...Camera...Revolution and How Will I Laugh Tomorrow
Yeah. Splatterthrash was a huge letdown after the awesomeness of Maniaxe. But yeah, Razorback has a lot of fun bands, another one of my favorites being Bloodfreak.

Maniaxe was OK but still overdid the cheesy aspect, imo. We Came For the Dead is the best thing they've done.

Blood Freak fucking rules! Cheesy as hell but all of their albums have some absolutely killer riffs.