Really Fun Albums

DHG's 666 Internation is so badass, how can you not have fun while listening to it? The "Hey!" at the beginning of Ion Storm is made of win.
Suicidal Tendencies - Self-Titled


Whiplash - Insult to Injury


Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris

I disagree with this. Maybe it's just me, but Elvenfres is a bit of a laborious listen. I like it, but I wouldn't call it fun.

LCR is awesome, but the self-titled disappointed me

It's gonna do that if you heard a lot of other ST before it. Luckily for me I either heard it first, or heard Join the Army and then it. It's a great record.

join the army is their best song

Best ST album IMO.
Elvenking's Heathenreel. I couldn't care less for their other albums but this one is a real sticker, it never gets old and makes you happy time after time. I'd go so far to say that it's one of the best power/folk metal albums there is.

I listened to that album once, or I tried to. I couldn't get past the first 2 songs.

Darkthrone - Dark Thrones and Black Flags
Edguy - Rocket Ride
Sinergy - Beware The Heavens
Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thunder God (mentioned in OP, just sayin' I agree)
The Black Dahlia Murder - Unhallowed
Rhapsody, Luca Turilli, and Bal-Sagoth - entire catalog puts a massive grin on my face.

couple I've been listening to recently:
Raise Hell - Not Dead Yet
Crack Up - Heads Will Roll
Avantasia - The Metal Opera