Albums with impossibly consistent solos...

I think this is a tough question - is it about a particular instrument? I always thought Eddie Van Halen played some pretty good solos. Keith Emerson and Rick Wakeman have fantastic keyboard solos. Keith Moon and John Bonham played some pretty wild drum solos.

I find their is quite a bit of good guitar solo work out in the metal scene these days.
Originally posted by Soulreaper
Well, every Maiden album is loaded with awesome solos :)
I prefer Powerslave's ones though...
The solo on Aces High, especially, is amazing. Have you seen the video? hehehe
Besides all the excellent albums that have been mentioned already... All I can add is "Andromeda - Extension of the Wish"... That album has some amazing guitarwork by Johan Reinholdz!
Iron Maiden has the most perfect solos of all time. My faves are on Powerslave, Piece of Mind, Somewhere In Time, and there are some damn good ones on Brave New World too. I also love Megadeth's solos, especeially on Peace Sells, Rust In Peace, and So Far... There's also this band called Opeth that have incredible solos. Really, it's just too hard to name all the bands that have really great solos. It will always be my opinion that the best solos are of the melodic and emotional type versus the "I'm going to play as many notes and be as technical as possible" ones.
Hehehe if your solos are simple and well integrated into the song ( not just placed with an added riff feeling to play your solo ) how does that is a narcisist masturbation like you affirm? Listen to songs like Hedon, Punish my Heaven, zodiackyl light etc the overall songs are very complex yet the solos are the simplest thing you can imagine, yet they carry on a beautifull melody that fits just perfectly in the song. Yet i suspect mr. Sundin its well capable of insane speed things like he has showed in some live improvisations....
Solos are guitarist ego-masturbation, and extremely gay and futile

I know it's all just a matter of opinion but I totally disagree. When solos are done well they can add melody, depth, emotion, a memorable experience, essentially a whole new dimension to a song. I can't even possibly imagine most of the music I listen to without solos. I mean, think about Opeth with zero guitar solos. So much would be lost...

Carl August, especially on "To thou who dwellest" the sweep arpeggios on that track changed the way I think about sweep arpeggios unbelievable stuff!

Anything by Mike Ammott or Bill Steer in Carcass. Particularly "Blind Bleeding the Blind."

I'm afraid I think that both Maiden's and Death's solos are overrated. OK I'll be lynched, but I just find them a bit clinical and uninspiring. God bless Chuck by the way and I wish him all the best.

You're right Misanthrope, the king does have that 'blues touch' he just creams those 4 notes (that the BBKing box kids.)

oh yeh, and satch is also king

solo's are guitarist ego masturbation, damn right, I love em!

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