Really Mellow Pop Rock

god damn dude!!! that is amazing all around, mix, production, music, everything. What did you do for the snare?
The snare only has a mild EQ and very very little compression as well. Drummer was solid as fuck and this was probably one of the best raw snares I've heard, it was a black panther, cant remember exactly which one though! There's basically no tone shaping, just slight eq to fit with everything, nothing more :)

Thanks a lot dude!
wow man that's intense, it's such an organic sounding recording, reminds me of mid 90's alternative rock stuff. feel free to divulge any other information! haha
There's not much more to say really. I didnt record it, the other engineer at the studio I work at did, so I dont know any info regarding the tracking, but there's really nothing special going on. Just sculpting to fit everything and glue everything and massive delays :) haha