REALLY OFF TOPIC! Hey STEVE, ever hear of....


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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Ever hear of a dreamcast title called "ILLBLEED"? This game rules! Very original concept. I suggest that anyone w/ a dc pick this one up.
Genuinely scary b-movie type of game....

....and I AM a game geek. 2 different GAMESTOP locations know me by name. It's like Norm walking into cheers.... :Spin:
yeah, i remember that game. it got great reviews and no one cared. i never picked it up though. i suck.

there's a lot of customers that i know by name. they come in all the time and i've been there since i was 16. i should be CEO of gamestop in about 3 years.
Steve (or anyone else)
Do you have the Game Boy Player for the GameCube? Is it cool? Can you play your old Game Boy Games on it?
ThraxDude said:
Steve (or anyone else)
Do you have the Game Boy Player for the GameCube? Is it cool? Can you play your old Game Boy Games on it?

I hear good things about the Game Boy Player, good enough to make me want one. But I'd much rather grab a GBA SP for myself.

They do play original game boy games according to this thing that the Penny-Arcade guys linked.
Cool! Thanks!
One more question, the GBA and GBASP have a sort of "widescreen" How does that work with the Game Boy Player?