Reamping bass : compressing before/after going to the amp


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
I need to reamp some bass tracks and I'd like to use my DBX 160X compressor in the chain because it always adds something great to the bass sound.

Do you guys usually insert the compressor after the mic takes the amp sound, or before the DI sound hits the amp ?
I know you will tell me : do what sounds the best, but unfortunately I have a very short period of time to do it, so i won't be able to try many things.
What do usually prefer ?

Chain 1 :
Bass DI track => DBX compressor => Radial X-AMP => Bass amp => mic => pre => DAW

Chain 2 :
Bass DI track => X-AMP => Bass amp => mic => pre => compressor => DAW
I think that the chain 2 give you more versatile options, you could tweak the compressor in relation of the amp miced sound.
hey, could i know what is your bass amp?

I also think the chain 2 is more versatile
Why don't try both on a short clip and pick up your fav after listen? Sound more logic for me.
Just my 2cents€ btw
Basically it depends.

Do you want a less dynamic signal hitting the amp, so the amount of drive remains more consistent throughout?
Do you want a more dynamic signal hitting the amp, so that harder played parts are more driven, giving the bass more accents.

I would say though, that if you use chain 1 you can always add some compression in your DAW afterwards if you need it, but if you use chain 2 you cant go back and add compression before the amp again without re-amping.