Reamping question, diff guitars, hotter signals


Feb 24, 2011
Couldnt find this question in the search, but i do tend to overlook at times. Correct me if i did.

I want to reamp some guitars, But one guitar was an ec1000 w/emg81B and the other a schecter blackjack solo 6 with a duncan blackout in the B. The schecters signal is A LOT hotter than the ESP's signal. Both thru the same DI, no change in gain before going in.

So my question is, Can I limit the signals and bring them down to the same gain? That way I can reamp them. Or if i just send them straight through, will it matter going into the amp? Or how would you go about this? reamp first timer
Blackouts are hotter at least by 3 db, but I`m think that better to reamp as is, if recording path is identical, because such difference in level should be with guitars straight to amp also. Distorted guitar can have no difference in volume...
Distorted guitar can have no difference in volume...

I've been noticing this when I track different sections of songs. If there is a more difficult riff, I can see the waveform is clearly not as fat as something that's easier and more chunky to play.....yet once the amp sim is thrown on, I hear no difference between the 2 waves.
Set the level individually for both tracks so that you get the best sounding signal strength to your amp. And then I'd dial in the amp for both guitars separately, they're probably going to sound different.
As long as the signal you've recorded doesn't clip, just reamp them as they are. The one with lower signal might need a tad more gain on the amp, but I don't think you'll notice that much of a difference unless it's a really low signal.
Try to reamp a short section with the same settings and listen for yourself.
