Reaper is messing with me....


Senior Memory
Aug 13, 2011
Bristol, TN
So guys, I've been out of it for a while and came back to reaper to dick around with some tracks from a buddy of mine's project Yog Sothoth.

So I get a decent mix going last night that I need to tweak on. I've got everything placed in the stereo field where I want to, levels are alright, but I wanna do a bit more balancing cuz my bass track isn't nestled into the mix just right aaand I save it.
Come back tonight, and everything panned to center is totally silent.
Anything panned hard left or right is audible as though it's in both sides of my headphones, and my vocal track I was playing around with can be heard vaguely, but only through the hard panned delay, so it's all washed out.
if I pan anything to the right or left, I hear it.

Whattup? I'm still running 4.22 as of right now. Not doing anything serious, just flexing my audio muscles a bit.
If everything panned to the center is totally silent, my first guess would be that your left and right channels are somehow phase-inverted.
Do you have a Mono Mode set on your master track? Sometimes it's as easy as this :)
Second thing I tried. After shutting off all FX to see if they were affecting it.
That seems to be the common solution for panning issues in Reaper, as I've spent about an hour Googling it. Unfortunately, it's not working out for me. :(

If everything panned to the center is totally silent, my first guess would be that your left and right channels are somehow phase-inverted.
That would be very odd for everything to be fine, save, close the program, and open it up the next day and everything suddenly be phase inverted.
Though I thought of that, and tried checking phase on my tracks, though everything is panned mono, not stereo.
Also, if EVERYTHING were phase inverted, then that wouldn't make a difference, because it's ALL inverted, as opposed to just half of it.
Thanks for the suggestion, though!

Any other ideas? I'm about to just wipe the program and start over, and just render all my changes as I go along.
Okay, shenanigans.
Just opened the program again and it's fixed.

That's really odd! You should definitely report this bug to the developers. I'd freak out if that happened to me.
Soooo, further testing.
The issue was between the seat and the keyboard.
Somehow, when I was plugging my headphones into the computer, and ensuring they were plugged in all the way, they were going mono.
My particular headphones need to be partially unplugged to give a proper stereo field =/ Plugged in all the way, I think the contacts of the plug go beyond the contacts of the jack in my laptop.

Oh, yeah, I've managed that a few times with this one stereo-to-2-stereo adapter I got at Radio Shack. One jack works fine, the other one goes to mono unless you pull it out a bit.