Reaper, RMS and metering in general


I'm not yelling!
Mar 12, 2009
San Antonio, TX
I wrote up a short overview and guide to metering in Reaper and the general concepts in response to a poster over here so I figured I'd drop a link in case it's useful for anyone new to Reaper, RMS metering or both. Of course I glossed over some more technical aspects, but if anyone has questions or comments, I'd be happy to go into more depth here or there.

P.S., I love this DAW. The new beta is kicking some ass :kickass:
the new beta puts it right up there with line midi editing, project tabs, automation lanes...

my favorite feature is the ability to have selected fx parameters display in the track mixer!
the new beta puts it right up there with line midi editing, project tabs, automation lanes...

my favorite feature is the ability to have selected fx parameters display in the track mixer!

Ok I may just be stupid, but I can't find a download link for a beta version. I must be missing something.... :ill:
Holy fuck, they're really building up Reaper...

One thing that has made me go "DO NOT WANT!!!!!" on Reaper so far has been the glitches it makes whenever I stop the audio. It never happens at home but on the computer in my rehearsal place, it does. But I noticed something in the "whatsnew.txt" that seemed to indicate that they've resolved that issue.

Gonna take this for another spin, my money might go to Reaper after all. Guess people can't complain about MIDI anymore as well, they seemed to have done a lot of work on MIDI in Reaper 3.
Holy fuck, they're really building up Reaper...

One thing that has made me go "DO NOT WANT!!!!!" on Reaper so far has been the glitches it makes whenever I stop the audio. It never happens at home but on the computer in my rehearsal place, it does. But I noticed something in the "whatsnew.txt" that seemed to indicate that they've resolved that issue.

Gonna take this for another spin, my money might go to Reaper after all. Guess people can't complain about MIDI anymore as well, they seemed to have done a lot of work on MIDI in Reaper 3.

They did indeed fix that, and the MIDI editing is substantially improved in the latest version 3 betas, though it's still not Cubase-class in features. If you're composing Hans Zimmer style scores with a few hundred VSTi tracks, I'd have to say that while Reaper can definitely do it, the usual tools can do it better. For damn near everything else though, this new version is badass.
It might finally be time for me to start seriously considering Reaper.
I'll check this release out soon :D