reason #17 why i usually stay away from the opeth board

A comment on Black Winter Day's signature:

Well, if you were to base all of RC's threads on this one, I'd probably have to agree.

Why is it that whenever a bunch of outsiders come to this board, it's only when we have a shitty thread gone awry? This thread did go nuts at one point.

Oh well, maybe we got some new readers in the process, har har. Any press is good press! Our Opeth reviews are pretty darn good too! I'd like to see Opeth forum fans comment on those.
Oh yes. That's funny. They'll be all like OMFGWTLOL EVERYUN AT REOYAEL CARNAEG HATEZ TEH OPETH!!!!!!!111 then they read our "Morningrise" review and they'll be all like OMGWTFLOL again
Haha, our average rating for 6 of their albums is 8.78/10.
lizard said:
Nad, on myspace have you seen that filapina girl with the tattoos who's one of mia's friends?
good fucking shit on a stick, she's hot...
I'm there dude, haven't seen her. I LOVE FILIPINAS!!!!!!!11111111 :loco:

Hahahaha, first website that popped up on Google is a mailorder bride service: They don't have any hot ones though! :mad:
What the!? :Spin:

lizard, she was teh h0tt, some pretty serious tats for a 20 year old. Reminds me of the woman's sister, she's a slut bonnnnnnnnng...
Yeah I'm not the biggest tat-on-chicks fan but I can at least appreciate it, and every so often it's uber-hot. Case in point:


omg <3
Marianne Faithful, as in let me smoke 100 cigs a day until I sound like a man, I'll have a whirlwind romance with Mick Jagger, and then just when my career is nowhere to be seen, I'll provide guest vocals on a Metallica song.

Actually, I quite like "The Memory Remains"....
Ok, this thread has officially reached the absolute fucking retard level. I mean, there's over 2,000 views which would make an outsider that strolls through think that this thread would have anything worth a fuck to read about, but yet it doesn't.

I'm sure there are a few of you going.. WTF?

Truth of the matter is, I just sent J. a PM and hope all is well. I have picked on hima bit as of late, and hopefully now, he understands why. However, I'm not retiring from this thread without reiiterating that yeah, I take offense to some of the shit said about blacks in here, but I would also take offense to any other incredibly derogatory thing said about any other color, race or creed out of hate. So, to IoftheStorm, I apologize for any ill feelings, and do remember that I've had your back before on other shit...

That being said, people, be fucking mindful of what you put up on here representing us. There are people that I meet daily on business related affairs that when asked about what I do, I always make mention of RC somewhere. Some of these people visit to read. Follow the equation to see where I'm going here. I have a little girl, with another to arrive in a little over a month and I am all about trying to change this fucking place we live in. This is a very important year for the world (hell, it got Dave Buttstaine off his ass to write a fairly decent Megadeth record..), and I don't have time for any of this bullshit... Sorry, but I gotta call somebody else out... and in risk of sounding too hip-hop, I'm only being real here... Sorath (or whatever you're choosing to call yourself), I wish you could've seen the look on RC's own Evil C today when I read your post about jews and whatnot... He happens to be Jewish and had relatives that actually died in that shit. Cary's been a good friend of mine for some time now and I can say he was truly hurt and that's fucked up. What's really fucked up is that you just bought a Kreator dvd from a Jew!!

Where is the fucking love I ask?

Well that's a good post, and I apologize for anything I should apologize for to you PJ... There's truth in saying that even though RC regulars know what is a joke or not, outsiders who see this thread as a first will likely not, and that can affect their view of RC... So to outsiders, that means you who are not going to post in this thread, we're not usually like this. :loco: Eh, and at least, while this thread is still retarded at least it is not racist, jokingly or not, anymore.
Papa Josh said:

I take offense to some of the shit said about blacks in here, but I would also take offense to any other incredibly derogatory thing said about any other color, race or creed out of hate.
So I assume you missed the entire other NSBM thread? Wow, I think you might have fainted in disbelief at that one. (Leave it sunk.)

That being said, people, be fucking mindful of what you put up on here representing us. There are people that I meet daily on business related affairs that when asked about what I do, I always make mention of RC somewhere. Some of these people visit to read. Follow the equation to see where I'm going here.
Yeah, good point. I seem to remember suggesting something similar with the Children of Bodom debacle, but at least this thread didn't sink to that level.

Where is the fucking love I ask?
Actually, truth be known, any racist jokes made around here are out of love. Gay love perhaps. Indeed, racist humor diffuses real racism, especially when referring to someone as something he is not. But of course, people from the surface world won't understand the goings on here, sitting in the abyss dwellings under Khazad-Dûm, so yes, we should be wary.
Racist jokes are great because a) they're usually funny, b) most are offensive, and c) THEY REVEAL THE INHERENT STUPIDITY OF FUCKING RACISM.
Papa Josh said:
That being said, people, be fucking mindful of what you put up on here representing us. There are people that I meet daily on business related affairs that when asked about what I do, I always make mention of RC somewhere.
This from the local champion of uncensored free speech?
NAD said:
Racist jokes are great because a) they're usually funny, b) most are offensive, and c) THEY REVEAL THE INHERENT STUPIDITY OF FUCKING RACISM.
This from the local champion of uncensored free speech?
Dude, I'm sick of the justifications for the stupid fucking racist jokes. I don't care. I have a fucking problem with it. I'm not going to censor you, but I'm not going to be quiet when you piss me off either. All I'm saying is think of the bigger picture, if you really take RC seriously.