reason #17 why i usually stay away from the opeth board

Get off your fucking high horse....

I wasn't aware Ali was black. Interesting. Learn something everyday.

Are you Dreamlord's knight in shining black metal armor? Let him speak for himself.. oh,. but I'm sorry everytime he does, he puts his foot in his mouth. I don't give a fuck if it's NAD, Sorath, J., Ayeka who the fuck ever, I just haven't gotten around to them yet. And besides, a lot of time I can see the joke in their comments, with J., it's not always so obvious... If you're racist, yeah, I've got a problem with you. But don't worry, you want me to leave, then I will.

Consider it done.

Erik said:
You're not? Bear with me, I'm going from pictures only. You're not white though, are you...
No, I'm not white. I'm not sure whether you refer to all non-whites as "black" though. My ancient ancestary I guess is from Northern Persia, and my maternal grandmother was a Hindu.

EDIT: I know this is a religion, but I'd assume you'd think she was from India. Otherwise I am British all the way baby! I'm Anglo-Indian, and I fight for Her Majesty!

Put it this way, when I'm in Texas, people speak to me in Spanish. When I was in Egypt, people spoke to me in Arabic. I speak neither. :loco:

Nope. I'm just implying that I think it's great that even though there are people of various races here, noone bans someone just because he's a racist, because we're really here to discuss music, now aren't we...
Sorry, I honestly still can't tell whether you're being sarcastic.
Erik said:
Err, you know, I've seen like three pretty shitty pictures of you so I couldn't really tell. I do realize that "black" probably means "African-American" (fuck I hate that stupid term) in the USA but I'm not really good with all the racial classification shit.
In England, I would be considered "Asian". The problem is, in the USA, "Asian" refers to those from China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, etc. I hope you don't think any less of me. I know Sorath already thinks of me as an Israeli gypsy. :loco:

I'm not! Christ, what do I have to do to get taken seriously here? Get a fucking Watain cover instead of a green lizard? :loco:
I had this whole response written out because I thought you were digging up that shit we went through in the NSBM thread, and then I thought, 'wait a minute....maybe this guy isn't being sarcastic...". :tickled:
Erik said:
It looks so stupid to write "J." in the middle of a sentence. Besides, Dreamlord is far catchier and better, so kind of like npearce will still call me phyre (I think he's stopped doing that though) I have decided to kind of keep Dreamlord Dreamlord in my mind. Hope this helps
Can I just say here that Sorath's new pseudonym sucks all kind of ass. (No offence again to the artist formerly known as Sorath).
Asians are slant-eyed, unless they have dark skin in which case people think they are Mexican. The woman gets spoken to in Spanish frequently and she says "have you seen my eyes!?!?" :tickled:

Erik loves my basketball joke, he keeps referring to it. I love it to, I wish I made it up myself but alas, somebody told it to me years ago.

Sorath is an awesome fucking username, I probably won't get the hang of fotoemabms or whatever.

wasn't I supposed to leave this thread? fuckit, I'm backtracking, it's the Hip New Thing!
NAD said:
Asians are slant-eyed, unless they have dark skin in which case people think they are Mexican.
What, so now you're saying I'm a Mexican? You saying I should mow your lawn? You saying I have less rights than you just because I jumped the border???? Bring it on muddafukka! Your mother's a tracer.
Pick my fruit bizatch! :tickled:
Erik said:
"Asian" is such a fucking clever racial designation... Because it's not like there's 129378912 distinct races in the most heavily populated part of the world, no sir
Yeah that bugs the shit out of me, but didn't until I dated a Filipina and had to learn all the distinctions, haha.
Don't apologize, I wouldn't have used it if I wasn't prepared for any negative reactions. Yeah that's one of the better ones, I think I initially heard it about 8 years ago and it's still funny.
Erik said:
Urrrh, you know, I don't think less of individuals because of their race.
Yes, I know that. And you know that I know that. Don't you know that?


OK must leave this thread for a while. I can actually feel myself getting dumber. Must go watch some American tv to regenerate intelligent brain cells...
lurch70 said:
:tickled: :tickled: :tickled: :grin:

further evidence of JK's "darkness"
... or as Dave Chapelle as Rick James calls really dark skinned blacks ... "midnight"

if you have to smile to be seen in the dark ... you are black :loco:
That is the worst picture in history of me.

And yes, I am on the right in the black Agalloch sweatshirt. Although I do look a little African, like a Tunisian. Then, if I get my greencard, I would be an American....and then I would look like an African-American!!!

Sheeyat, maybe Erik was on to something!! :loco:
Man, I was this close *holds fingers tightly together* to using that one earlier but decided not to for some reason. My version is how to baby sit a black kid though, same thing.

EDIT: I read your initial thingy wrong, you said it's not one of the better ones, I still maintain that it is though. :tickled:
i have a lot of Indian friends and you are definetelly considered Indian here ... only if you did not have that thick British accent
Erik said:
What do you mean? I thought half of England's population were Indians
You're not far off. There's more Indian restaurants in Britain than there are in India. That is a fact.

(Then again, if you were an Indian, living in India, why the fuck would you go out to an Indian restaurant?)
lurch70 said:
i have a lot of Indian friends and you are definetelly considered Indian here ... only if you did not have that thick British accent
According to my wife -- a fine specimen of a blonde, blue-eyed white Scottish/Irish woman if I ever saw one -- I would be considered "South Asian" in the hierarchical race system that America maintains through lack of Monarchy vs. Scum concerns.

If I were to trace my roots, I could probably get back to somewhere near Sumeria. Not sure if they were semitic, but either way, I have no Arab blood as far as I know.

My British accent exists only to pick up American women.
NicodemiX said:
I feel disheartened that I missed the glory that is this thread.
You should. I spent all day on this thread, probably accomplished 30 minutes worth of work, maybe.

Monarchy vs. Scum :lol: x1.21 gigawatts