Reasons Why....

I recall posting Stephen King's quotes on him, which I found funny. Other than that, I don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, which is precisely why you can't remember anything that I said.
You just assume that everyone who dislikes Trump views him that way.
You don't think before you type and don't read what other people say.

My whole life I've been told I overthink everything (I legitimately have trouble expressing myself at times because I think too much into something someone says) and now you're telling me I don't think and never read what people say.

Not saying I'm that smart, because I'm not, but I do overthink.

Also no, I don't remember exactly what you said because I forgot you even existed until yesterday. :lol:
you overthink everything you say, huh? :rolleyes:


I know I stink. It's really annoying, being of average intelligence and an overthinker.

Right, well maybe that's something you should work on.

I'm an honest and direct person, especially in self-reflection. I have no pretensions and I don't pretend to be better than anybody. I don't go behind people's backs to do or say what should be said to their face.

You're the total opposite @Manic Ferocity as I eventually found out.
Technically you can't actually say anything to someone via text, but you can video chat on the Internet which would mean you're talking to their face.

You're shit.